



I have an interest in web development, but currently I'm working in vc++ & c++ embedded.

I would like to quickly learn & start some type of web project. I would like to do the following:

  • Set up a web page that can be viewed over the Internet.
  • Get my data stored in some type of database on my local pc.

Can you suggest the language or languages I need (prefer java, html based), as well as tools that I can start off with.

NOTE: Though the emphasis is on quick start, I want to move towards a professional expertise.

+1  A: 

I would start with PHP and MySql, both free and very easy to get your feet wet.

Using frameworks such as .NET or Java, is going to slow your learning down and get in your way. At this point in your learning, you need to be learning HTML and Web basics.

PHP is perfect for this and gives you ton of room for learning without a high overhead of learning abstractions.

+3  A: 

Depending on your level of experience, you may want to begin with a few static HTML pages. That will let you get a feel for the basics.

+9  A: 

W3Schools has a great tutorial for basics of HTML. There is one for the basics of CSS. I would start there. Utilizing a database would require learning a Web framework such as JSP (Java), PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby, etc which adds to the complexity of the basics. Conquer the basics of XHTML and CSS first before moving on to the server side since all of these frameworks rely on XHTML and CSS. Plus, these basics don't require much more than a text editor and a Web browser to do their bidding. No server == money/hasles saved.

Daniel A. White
agree except, many of them are still using html 4.01 see

I would suggest Aptana Studio IDE, JavaScript and PHP. If you would like to develop and test your website on local pc then install Apache Web Server and PHP, for database I suggest MySQL and their GUI Tools, MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query Browser, MySQL Workbench.

All the software is free.

There are tons of tutorials and manuals on the internet together with official documentations.

Best choice for beginners and professionals.

PS. For the terms you mentioned in comment search google and wikipedia, some of them are technologies some are programming languages.


ASP.NET is very easy to get started with.


Microsoft started Beginner's development learning center (BDLC) over here

follow the web track and u're good.


If you do go with Java, you may want to check out Spring and Hibernate.

R. Bemrose

Do the Django tutorial:

You'll develop a web site in a short period of time.

+2  A: 

First of all, Stack Overflow is a developer resource and whilst Web Development does come into that you'd be able to find better suggestions and good advice from a real Web Development community. Once you understand HTML and know what development platform you want to use give SitePoint a try. Their forums are a fantastic resource for all web designers/developers and they'll be able to help you a lot more than we will.

Firstly, you'll need to learn about how the Internet works. I'd recommend some light reading on TCP/IP before moving forward. It's not essential information, but it's always nice to know. If possible, find the RFC's for TCP/IP and HTTP.

You'll definitely need to know HTML, and luckily for you there are billions of great websites out there that can teach you the fundamentals. As I've said before on this website Stack Overflow is a developer website and developers aren't the best at HTML or design-related issues. If I were you I'd just search for HTML tutorials on Google and find the best website for you to learn from. I can promise you that someone has already recommended W3Schools and whilst I think it's an awful website you should at least check it out.

If you're going to move into Web Development there are loads of server-side languages to choose from, ranging from:

Again, Google is your best friend on topics like this. Give Google Video a try as well, as a lot of people have uploaded screen-casts to help budding developers like yourself.

Finally, once you understand HTML and know what development platform you want to use give SitePoint a try. Their forums are a fantastic resource for all web designers/developers and they'll be able to help you a lot more than we will.

As far as development environments go you really cannot go wrong with Notepad++. In reality all the IDE's are good enough for web development and any attempt to push you onto a specific one isn't going to benefit you. I'd recommend that you try each and every suggestion here.

Good luck and happy coding!

I think it's a bug. I've tried changing it and it won't stop so I've removed the link. If you can change it so that it doesn't mess up please do.
Actually, the bug is caused by having a Markdown link with a malformed HTML link (the Sitepoint link was missing a closing quote).
R. Bemrose
er... with = in the same post as
R. Bemrose

If you want coding in Java and you don't know Java in webapp programming, you start with Ibatis

+1  A: 

Start with (X)HTML and CSS. Every web developer needs a solid understanding of the front-end. The W3Schools site Daniel mentioned is a good resource, as are the actual W3C standards if you're comfortable reading them. Pay attention to standards and standards-compliance.

Another good site is A List Apart. It's important for every web developer to have some sense of interface design and usability, and ALA is one of the key resources.

James Socol
+2  A: 

Making sure you thoroughly understand HTML/CSS/Javascript will provide you with an excellent foundation for moving on to other things in the area of Web Development. I personally would stay away from ASP.NET until you understand the affect that it will have on markup you are trying to make dynamic. PHP frameworks don't seem to have as much of an issue with that (I'm speaking mostly of validation, but ASP.NET can insert a ton of JS into your page as well).

The quickest way to get started after you have a good enough foundation would probably be PHP/MySQL. Although I've become partial to ASP.NET MVC I don't think I'd feel the same way if I was trying to use it 6 months ago.

One last thing is that you might want to look into getting some books on Web Usabilty. Being programmers we often don't realize that the usability barrier affects those that aren't very computer literate. Thus, things we think are perfectly easy to use will be completely off-putting to the average person that doesn't sit in front of a computer all day.

My suggested roadmap would be:

  2. Javascript + a Javascript framework (i.e. jQuery)
  3. Some sort of Server-Side language/framework [PHP, ASP.NET (MVC), Ruby, etc]
  4. After that, a couple of books on web usability.

Google App Engine introduced Java support on April 7th 2009

Their Google plugin for Eclipse allows you to develop and test on your local machine and have very simple deployment straight to App Engine.

The Java support allows you to create Java servlets that will run on any web server that supports the servlet environment, not just App Engine, so you will be learning a framework that is used in industry.

Sam Hasler

If you decide to go the PHP MySQL Apache, check out xampp its a windows installer that contains all three, its like a one click installer.

That being said if you are going to start from scratch, you might as well do it properly and learn symfony they have a 24 day tutorial. A little more learning up front will make you much faster.
