


+1  Q: 

Entropy repacking

I have been tossing around a conceptual idea for a machine (as in a Turing machine) and I'm wondering if any work has been done on this or related topics.

The idea is a machine that takes an entropy stream and gives out random symbols in any range without losing any entropy.

I'll grand that is a far from rigorous description so I'll give an example: Say I have a generator of random symbols in the range of 1 to n and I want to be able to ask for a symbols in any given range, first 1 to 12 and then 1 to 1234. (To keep it practicable I'll only consider deterministic machines where, given the same input stream and requests, it will always give the same output.) One necessary constraint is that the output contain at least as much entropy as the input. However, the constraint I'm most interested in is that the machine only reads in as much entropy as it spits out.

E.g. if asked for tokens in the range of 1 to S1, S2, S3, ... Sm it would only consume ceiling(sum(i = 1 to m, log(Si))/log(n)) inputs tokens.

This question asks about how to do this conversion while satisfying the first constraint but does very badly on the second.

+1  A: 
Charlie Martin
Almost, if m>n you input fewer symbols than you output (count in need not equal count out) same the other way (more inputs than outputs) also the output range is non-constant (element 1 is on {1..12}, element 2 is on {1..1243}, etc.)
Yes, I do require uniform distribution on the output (assuming it is to be had on the input).
+1  A: 

My current pass at it:

By adding the following restriction: you know in advance what the sequence of ranges is {S1, S2, S3, ..., Sn}, than using base translation with a non-constant base might work:

  1. Find Sp = S1 * S2 * S3 * ... * Sn
  2. Extract m=cealing(log(Sp)/log(n)) terms from the input {R1, R2, R3, ..., Rm}
  3. Find X = R1 + R2*n + R3*n^2 + ... + Rm*n^(m-1)
  4. Reform X as O1 + S1*O2 + S1*S2*O3 + ... Sn*On + x where 1 <= Oi <= Si

This might be reformable into a solution that works for one value at a time by pushing x back into the input stream. However I can't convince my self that even the known outputs range form is sound so...