



I'm using a simple model for user authorisation with two ActiveRecords User and Role User and Role have a HABTM relation to each other.

I tried to created a user interface for assigning roles to users with simple checkboxes - just like in Railscasts Episode #17.

My problem is that neither User#new nor User#update_attributes use the parameters submitted by my form to update the relation between the User object and its roles. params[:user][:role_ids] contains the correct values. But calling @user.roles right after[:user]) or @user.update_attributes(params[:user]) returns an empty array.

Manually assigning roles with @user.roles or @user.role_ids works, but not the "magic" inside User#new or User#update_attributes.

Any ideas?

+6  A: 

The chances are high that you have either attr_accessible or attr_protected call in your User model, thus making role_ids protected from mass assignment.

If you really want to update roles via mass assignment operators, just add

attr_accessible :role_ids

to your model. However, I recommend you reading first, just to know all potential problems of mass assignment.

Oleg Shaldybin
Thank you very much. Just read about that yesterday, but missed it when creating my models.