




I'm making a website http://www.simplyfy.co.in, it currently hosts my wordpress blog alone. I stay in india, and there has been a huge rush for people to adopt technology. I have a huge base of people whom i help in technical and non technical issues, over phone or via mail or in person. So i thought of making a website where i can tell people to visit my site and ask their question there. It wil some thing be like a

  • live/offline support.
  • Where i would like my visitors to ask questions and i reply to them
  • others are also welcome to reply but it shall be moderated.
  • People can visit through a list of discussions
  • don't want them to create accounts.
  • They must be able to vote or mark the solution which worked for them.
  • If i'm online then they can chat live with me, and the transcript of it can be saved and viewed by others.

I know i can host a discussion forum, but not everybody is comfortable in creating a new thread and then posting. I wanted to provide a more intutive and simpler approach. Are there any free tools available which can help me with my requirement?

World would have been a perfect place, if i had some thing similar to stackoverflow hosted on my website!

Hope i'm clear.




Integrate into their API. Easier than anything else and you already have an install base.

The API has simple functions for search. Just have people tag posts with your url, something like #simplyfly and your site can just grab whatever it gets from twitter.

People can discuss your site externally, and you can track the conversation on your own page. You could even provide your own submit form that tacks on the #simplyfly tag. This seems to me to be the simplest solution.

Frank Krueger
do you have any sample anywhere?
Anirudh Goel
Nothing concrete, but the API is a very simple REST api.
Frank Krueger