




Hi, I am writing a macro in MS word.
I need the macro to parse through a list of filenames, page numbersm and notes and filter out only the file names and page numbers. Each paragraph (line) in the document refers to a different file, so I am looping through For/Next statement.

For each new line, I'm pulling out the filename, and pagenumbers and placing it into a string. Along with this, I am also adds some notes into the string for each file name.

Before going to the next line in the document, I want to output the string that I've built into a word document.

I currently have the word document open with this code:

Dim oWord as Object
Set oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oWord.Documents.Open "C:\document.doc"
oWord.visible = true

This lets me successfully open the document but I need some help with figuring out how to output to this document.

Conceptually, I know I need to first make it the active document, then go to the end of the document, then append to it.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Read MSDN.
Is'explained with many sample codes

Not to be rude, but this answer is not very helpful. If you are not willing or able to provide help it would be better not to answer. We do not need RTFM answers on this site.
+3  A: 

What about this...more here.

Sub test()
    Dim app As Word.Application
    Dim doc As Word.Document

    Set app = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    app.Visible = True
    Set doc = app.Documents.Open("C:\test.doc")
    doc.Content.InsertAfter "Hello World"
End Sub