Hi, I am working on a testing framework for the software that my company writes. Our product is web based and After I run a RESTful request I want to process the results. I want to be able to have activerecord type validations in each command class so that after it is run the results are automatically tested against all the "validations". However, I am not sure how to do this. My code looks like this (simplified to show the important parts).
class CodesecureCommand
def execute
result = RestClient.post("http://#{codesecure.host_name_port}#{path}", post_data)
return parse(result) #parse simple returns a Hpricot document
class RunScan < CodesecureCommand
#What I have now
#I have to override the execute function so that it calls the local success method
#to see if it failed or not.
def execute()
result = super()
if success(result)
return true
def success(result)
result.search('div.transaction-message') do |message|
if message.innerHTML.scan(/Configure abuse setting for domain users successfully\./).length == 1
return true
#What I would like is to be able to call execute (without having to override it).
#then after it runs it calls back to this class to check
#if the regex matches the command was successful and returns true
test_success /regex/
#if test_success fails then these are called
#the idea being that I can use the regex to identify errors that happened then
#report them to the user
identify_error /regex/, "message"
identify_error /regex/, "message"
What I want is that after the execute method is called the test_success and identify_error are automatically called like the validations in activerecord. Can anybody tell me how to do this? Thanks