




How would I go about logging errors in javascript? I can't wrap every line of javascript in try catch block.

I talking about the errors that for example in IE, would show an Error On page message and have the line and char the caused the error. If I can just figure out how to catch this error on the client side, I can just log the error on the server using an ajax call.

+5  A: 

I use this function in all my projects:

window.onerror = function(m,u,l){"ajax/js_error_log.php",
        { msg: m,
          url: u,
         line: l,
       window: window.location.href });
    return true};

Make sure it is the very first javascript the browser receives or at least precedes any potentially error-causing code. Requires jQuery of course, but you could code ajax functions in pure javascript if you wanted to.

Please note: this will not help you if you have a syntax error. All javascript instantly dies if there is a syntax error.

Heh... Just linked to a previous question where you gave *nearly* the same answer. You're really on the ball when it comes to JS error logging! :-)
lol... It's funny you caught that, and I don't even *remember* answering that question.
jQuery != Javascript
George Jempty
@George Jempty: Read my explanation. I gave jQuery because it's fairly pervasive and much more succinct to type out. The example is valid as it's simply a model. I didn't give the source code for my php script or the layout for the MySQL table storing the errors either.
Ideally I wanted a jQuery answer but I didn't want to restrict the answer to that. Thanks
I have just released code to help log JavaScript errors by sending error information to the server -
Gabriel McAdams