



I'm writing my first OS X Objective-C framework, but I do not know how to test it. How can I execute methods and classes in framework for testing purposes?


One possibility would be to create a new executable target that depends on and calls the framework you're using.

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Make a unit test bundle target, and create test case classes in that bundle. You'll link against the OCUnit framework to get the base classes for your tests; there are a few OCUnit tutorials around, which you can find on Google.

For harder-to-test tasks, such as drawing in views, the easiest way is to make a test app and check the results yourself.

Peter Hosey
The Google Toolbox for Mac (on has excellent view and CALayer testing features. Essentially it allows you to automatically compare pixel-by-pixel renderings of either NSView or CALayer instances, failing if there are differences. For testing drawing/UI code, it's a godsend.
Barry Wark
+1  A: 

You can find several articles about unit testing on the blog of Chris Hanson.

+5  A: 

Chris Hanson's excellent set of articles on setting up unit testing for Frameworks in Xcode is a wonderful reference for testing frameworks. Their content has been largely incorporated (and supplanted) by the article, Automated Unit Testing with Xcode 3 and Objective-C, on Apples' Dev site.

Barry Wark