




What is the latest in web design (not programming), w.r.t jquery, css, placement of links, usage of footer and header for a social multiuser website


I'd say clean, easy to use and intuitive to the user, must be as simple as possible. I think it's fair to say everyone hates a website that's so busy you can't figure out where to start.

Also the site shouldn't depend on any particular technology, by all means use jQuery etc. to make it look good and enhance the user experience but the website functionality should not depend on it.

website functionality should not depend on it, please elaborate
For example, you shouldn't rely on jQuery/javascript to do things like navigate, load essential information.e.g. if the website is to display images don't rely on jQuery to display the images, you can certainly use jQuery to make it look cool but you should also have a backup way of doing it for if the user has javascript turned off or using an older browser.
This is a very old flame about Javascript vs non-Javascript. There are pros and cons for each approach. For the record - I'm on the Javascript side.

Take a look at StackOverflow.com itself -- it's a very good example of social multiuser website.

1) The interface is very clean 2) For search-oriented folks you have Search at the very top, for browse-oriented different categories (latest, hot, etc) just below 3) Ajax makes it very easy to use, e.g. you can easily vote up or down, mark as favorite 4) Sidebar on the right provides with tons of related and relevant info 5) I for one really like the popup bar if smth new happens to your profile (e.g. you earn a badge) 6) Heck, I'm just fond of preview-as-you-type feature!


I think the principles of clean design haven't really changed since CSS based layouts superseded table based layouts (in about 2003 IIRC.)

At the mark up level these principles are

  • Validate your mark up
  • Use the appropriate tags that semantically define the content they contain
  • Make javascript degrade gracefully, (or use javascript to enhance progressively)
  • Keep file sizes no larger than necessary
  • Try to make it work in all the browsers you wish to support

When it comes to the aesthetics I think the main point to remember

  • Design the interface for "least user surprise"
  • Don't make the user have to think too hard.

Other than all that, I think its all pretty much just fashion.
