



To narrow down the question, please suggest web-based topics only. To be honest, I'm struggling to find one for myself :)
I'm doing Computer Science and looking for a web-based, individual project. A suitable topic would have a certain degree of novelty, so while you guys browsing the web everyday, what kind of things you expect but haven't come up before. Sorry for my lousy English :)


I wrote a bit-torrent client in Java for a project in college.

This is in no way original or novel. But it was a great project.

+2  A: 

How about a business-oriented application (concert tickets, bug-reporting, online email reader, etc) using a library like jQuery? This makes the site looks very impressive with minimal work and you can concentrate on the business logic rather than prettying up the site.


You could try making a game, that's certainly novel.

+1  A: 

Write a tool using Dojo, that allows users to assemble questionnaires,capture the result and display graphical results. While that's not exactly new you can introduce novelty by using higher abstraction that UI building blocks. E.g. have a "Scale Question block", Users would specify the scale (e.g. 1-10) and the questions and you build the matrix. Also the results could be defined cross-checked. E.g. "How probable is it that a user selected X in question 6 when they selected Y in question 5". Then run that app to rate the courses at your institute. :-) stw


How about a generic frontend for implementing logic graphs. Something like Yahoo pipes, just more generic. People could define their own node specifications, callbacks, etc. Then you would use your client (Javascript/SVG/HTML/CSS) to query your server that could store these into a database, and the server would be written in an objected-oriented language like Java, or Python. It would open up a vast number of possibilities. For example, you would be able to introduce kids to programming by showing them graphs. That would be a fairly easy demo. You could have a separate "execute window" where all the I/O goes on. You could then manipulate the node definitions to show the flow of instructions. It would be even more neat if this tool kit was free (as in speech), and others could adopt it! It would be trivial for anyone who was a decent client-side web programmer.

Remember though, many universities own the IP you develop, so watch out!

Sargun Dhillon
+5  A: 

Though there are a couple new projects out there along these lines, a great web based project could be a web based integrated development environment. I've been wanting a good one for a while, and people just haven't quite gotten them up and running yet. If you do this, concentrate on just one language (but keep it modular enough to add other languages later), the coding will be challenging enough as is. I would only suggest trying this if you want a challenge; if you complete it, it should provide a decent base in web/gui application development.

That's a really sweet idea. If he doesn't go for it (or even if he does), maybe I will.
Ellery Newcomer

I would suggest you think up something that takes all of these social networks out there and create something of a super mashup. It will expose you to the right type of technologies that are popular today (and you will likely encounter in work once you graduate).


Build something with or for open source, or a JavaScript library. Ajax Control Tool Kit or JQuery.

You should also be aware of how many hours you have available to complete this project, I would imagine a half finished master piece would not gain the same credit as something that is finished and working.

Paul Rowland

Canvas Tag Framework. You could team up with this guy

+1  A: 

My best idea/advice is to do something interesting to you. This is how you'll be able to engage yourself to finish it within your limited time frame.

I'm not going to tell you what the project should actually be, because I believe that's the first (and maybe most important!) part of the assignment for you to do yourself.

Greg D

A small blog application. Should be difficult enough to show your skills, you have a lot of engines around to extract various functionalities.

It should have CRUD for:

  • posts
  • categories
  • users
  • comments
Elzo Valugi

Perhaps look on Sourceforge for ideas on how you can contribute to a particular open source software? You can also ask your target end users on what they want and then develop accordingly. Just my 2 cents.


Maybe think about what you want to do when you graduate. If you want to work with a particular company, or in a particular industry, then choose a corresponding project:

  • It will look better on your resume
  • Doing (defining) this project will be an opportunity to learn something about that 'domain'

I didn't understand however what you meant you said, "The conditions are that it should not be application oriented."

Have to agree with your final paragraph...not sure at all what that statement means.

you can make online exam engine airline reservation system and many more.. they are found on


+1  A: 

1) I just finished my undergraduate CS degree, and MAPS always seemed to work their way into my projects. There are some many interesting things that can be done with maps, yet, in many ways, the best mapping tools (Google and MapQuest) are locked down by request caps or aren't up to the task for mobile or other platforms. Here are two open source communities that I have found useful and worth supporting.

OpenStreetMap RouteMe (mobile)

2) With Google Code, anyone can START an open source project, so even if it's just an iPhone app or a Social Network, I think you'll gain a lot by finding, managing, utilizing, and optimizing resources. Check out The Cathedral and the Bazaar for a great perspective on Open Source and what it takes to start your own.

3) I did a very in-depth thread library and applications built on top of it for my upper-level operating systems class. One of the barriers that software is hitting is the inability to utilize all the processors that are in almost every box now. If you don't know much about MULTI-THREADING and the like, check it out and dig into it. I doubt you could create something that would beat out C# threading or PTHREADS, but you could at least improve your own marketability.


Hack on something you use. That gives you motivation, and is in the true spirit of OSS development.

Xiong Chiamiov

Look at mine. TweetMyPC ;-)


Hope you have completed your undergraduate project as this post is pretty old. Am one of the team helping students for their final year projects for free of cost. You may enhance your project with latest technologies by providing them to the students looking for an opportunity to work in creative projects.
