




In SICP, (ex 2.6) the following functions are described as ways of 'getting by without numbers'. I'm scratching trying to understand this. As a starting point, how do these functions get invoked? Can I actually apply them in some way where the output will be 1? (Or any other number?)

(define zero (lambda (f) (lambda (x) x)))

(define (add-1 n)
  (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f ((n f) x)))))

My initial attempts haven't been successful:

Welcome to DrScheme, version 4.1.5 [3m].
Language: Simply Scheme; memory limit: 128 megabytes.
> (add-1 (zero))
. . procedure zero: expects 1 argument, given 0
> (add-1 zero)
> (add-1 1)
> ((add-1 1))
. . #<procedure>: expects 1 argument, given 0
+3  A: 

this is the original lambda calculus it doesn't produce numbers, it totally replaces the number type with functions.

so, you have a 'zero' function, and if you call add-1 to it, you won't get 1, you get another function that represents 1. the point is that the functions produced comply with the basic arithmetic axioms, so they're equivalent to natural numbers

+7  A: 

These functions that represent numbers are called Church numerals (as SICP states). Their existence means that you can define a system of computation (such as the lambda calculus) without having numbers as first-class objects--you can use functions as the primitive objects instead. This fact is mainly of theoretical interest; Church numerals are not a good choice for practical computation.

You can see the correctness of your definitions of Church numerals by applying them with other objects as arguments. When you apply a Church numeral representing n to a function f, you get another function that applies f to its argument n times, e.g., f(f(f(x))) for n=3.

> (define (double x) (* 2 x))
> (zero double)
> ((zero double) 1)
> ((zero double) 100)
> (define one (add-1 zero))
> ((one double) 1)
> ((one double) 100)
> (define (cons-a x) (cons 'a x))
> ((zero cons-a) '())
> (((add-1 one) cons-a) '(1 2 3))
(a a 1 2 3)
Nathan Kitchen
Penrose includes this in The Emperor's New Mind, I think it's just an excuse to use a different font. (in the book he represents "zero" and "one" as numbers in an outline typeface)
Jason S