



I'm developing a firefox extension based on this tutorial which is a FF 2.0 extension (second part of the tutorial is at this url)

The main thing that is important is that it uses

<iframe id="contentview" src="" flex="2"/>

In the backend code, when clicking the GO button, this happens:

contentview.contentDocument.location.href = urlbox.value;

//Use Firefox XPath to get the raw text of the document
var doctext = contentview.contentDocument.evaluate(
    "string(.)", document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null).stringValue;

I get an error with the xpath, but that's not my question. The issue I have with FF 3.0 is that the contentDocument value refers to the old site loaded, not to the one loaded by the href-change.

So my question is: how can I create a similar window, but be notified someone when the loaded document is complete, so I can access its DOM?

+2  A: 

Updated: first you need to handle the load event of the window then you add an event listener to the iframe element

function Listen()
  var frame = document.getElementById("contentview");
  frame.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", DomLoadedEventHandler, true);    

    function DomLoadedEventHandler() {
    var frame = document.getElementById("contentview");

replace "DomLoadedEventHandler" with your event handler name.

I recommend that you take a look at the official site of Mozilla to learn everything about Firefox extensions

Marwan Aouida
Doesn't work entirely though.When I click GO, your code does not get called (I never see the alert, I mean). Then when I look at the error console, the first time i click GO, nothing happens. Second time, I see "doc.location is undefined".I'm guessing what happens is same as the original extension code: it gets called on the previous loaded page? Not the one being loaded?
I've updated my answer, try now
Marwan Aouida
Still not 100%, but very close! I've put your code at the same level as the change_url function (instead of inside). Then commented all code related to that section within the change_url function of course.One issue still remains, the 'doc' parameter is of type Event, not Document. More getElementById magic?
then no problem, just get document from the contendDocument property.I will update the answer
Marwan Aouida
Thanks, got it working mostly the way I want. I changed the DomLoadedEventHandler function to this:function DomLoadedEventHandler(e) { var frame = document.getElementById("contentview"); if ( == frame.contentDocument) { alert("main frame loaded"); }}because some pages consist of iframes themselves, and so the function gets called multiple times, which could get annoying for automatic processing. Anyway, I can handle the situation from there I think. So thanks again!