



For the first UI design I would like to populate my windows and dialogs with lookless controls.

The controls may not be styled at all (no XP or Vista style). Ideally, they look so minimalistic (black-and-white rectangles) that it's clear where a text box, a button or a scroll bar.

Because I'm working with Visio, my first idea were to look for some Visio stencils for such a purpose.

Are there ready-to-use Visio stencils or any other tools?

+1  A: 

I'm not aware of any lookless stencils for Visio. However, if UI prototyping is your goal I would suggest trying Balsamiq Mockups:

The resulting drawings look like something you would have drawn with a pen on paper. As you may know, this is important because clients and coworkers will be more likely to suggest changes and be open about contributions.

(See MIT 6.831 Lecture Notes:

The learning curve is very low and it forces you and your users to focus on layout and control placement instead of spending hours on style and minute detail. You could start creating prototypes with this today.

Robert Venables
+1 balsamiq is excellent
+5  A: 
Michael Damatov
The "Updated Sketch GUI Shapes for Visio" page does not exist anymore. However, they are still there so you can download them directly:
@simon: thanks, link updated
Michael Damatov
+1  A: 

You can also investigate MockupScreens


Visio 2010 has a stencil called "Wireframe Diagram" that may be suitable for your needs.

  • It looks very simple, clean, and generic
  • It does not mimic the Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 user interface style
  • It isn't entirely lookless, but is very, very minimal

This stencil is available in the Visio 2010 Beta. I suggest at least playing with the stencil in the Beta.

+1  A: 

Try Creately - its a fairly straight forward web-based mockup tool without any particular look for its mockup elements. Best part is the fact that its web-based so teammates/clients can work on the same mockups no matter where they may be.


Hi I have downloaded few templates and add-ins from visiotoolbox site. Browse this site for required add-ins, templates and tools.

Hope this helps you.

Jessica Perry