I have a SELECT element in which I need to auto-select the appropriate option based on the first half of a postcode entered in a text field. British postcodes are of the form AB12 3CD, where the first section consists of 1-2 letters representing the county and a number representing the area within the county. The last 3 characters are irrelevant for this question.
For most of the fields it is based on only the first letter(s), but for some options it is a postcode range. The HTML should explain it best:
<select id="country_field">
<option value="">Select</option>
<option value="AB">AB (Aberdeen)</option>
<option value="AL">AL (St. Albans)</option>
<option value="B">B (Birmingham)</option>
<option value="BA">BA (Bath)</option>
<option value="DD1">DD 1-7 (Dundee)</option>
<option value="DD8">DD 8-11 (Dundee)</option>
My code below will currently select the correct element when the value is exactly two letters. But I need to expand it to encompass the single-letter codes (Birmingham) and the postcode ranges (Dundee). Note: I can change the option values if there is a solution that warrants special values, e.g. DD1/DD2 instead of DD1/DD8.
In short:
- B2 --> Birmingham
- BA3 --> Bath
- DD5 --> first Dundee [DD1]
- DD11 --> second Dundee [DD8]
Here's the Javascript I have so far...
window.onload = function()
// postcode INPUT field
var zipInput = document.getElementById( 'zip_field' );
// county SELECT field
var ctySelect = document.getElementById( 'county_field' );
zipInput.onchange = function()
var zipValue = zipInput.value;
var ctyOptions = ctySelect.options;
for ( i = 0; i < ctyOptions.length; i++ )
if ( zipValue.substring(0,2) == ctyOptions[i].value )
ctyOptions[i].selected = true;