



Few wishes,

  • If it is jQuery based, best.
  • If it focus easy UI then eye candy, better.
  • If it is date and time picker both, good.

Edit: I should have mentioned , I already looked most options available that I can found using google.

Problem is not a single date+time picker is part of official jquery-ui project so some are for old jquery version. some have ugly UI choices. One which have somewhat good UI seems buggy.

+5  A: 


jQuery UI Datepicker


timepickr plugin

Bonus points, both use the jQuery UI Themeroller.

Datepicker is awesome. But might I suggest you just use simple drop downs for time picking? Timepickr's interface is (IMHO) quite user-unfriendly and non-intuitive.
I agree, timepickr is overkill for what is probably best represented using three select lists: [HH][MM][AM|PM] or just [HH][MM].
I'm not able to see timepicker link (timeouts) but I will check back later. And Yes, my last option is two select based timepicker ;)
+1  A: 

There is a plugin that has both, but its fully based on jquery UI/Datepicker that lets the user select time HH:MM Works with jquery-1.2.3. jQuery DateTimepicker

+1  A: 

The Any+Time(TM) widget combines a date/time picker for a single input field with a wide variety of formats. It now uses jQuery and supports jQuery UI Themes and CSS customization for complete visual integration into any website. And if you encounter any bugs, just report them and expect a resolution in a matter of hours!

Andrew M. Andrews III
A: Just found this neat little library. Understands human date input pretty well. I like that it provides instant feedback as you type, among other things.

Don't know if it has a calendar visualization built in, and it isn't jQuery based.
