This is related to naming conventions for a DOM element's id attribute and I guess the name attribute as well. When it comes to JavaScript, from what I understand and have done is always use camel case except for the names of classes. Classes are Pascal cased.
Having said that I develop in ASP.NET mainly and here's where I run into a naming issue for the id attribute. In ASP.NET if you drag and drop a new server control to a page(which I rarely do, I'm a type the markup kinda guy), the default names are always Pascal cased because they need to conform to the .NET framework naming guidelines for server-side code.
So when it comes to naming the id attribute of ASP.NET server controls or just elements in markup, I follow the rule to camel case the id attribute (JavaScipt naming guidlines), but this conflicts with the .NET naming guidlines.
So, one, what casing do you folks normally do for the id attribute in DOM elements and two what do the .NET folks who develop in ASP.NET do for naming the id attribute?
On top of that when I'm creating form elements in markup, I generally use Hungarian notation for text inputs, like
<input type="text" id="txtUserName" />
or for checkboxes like
<input type="checkbox" id="chkSelectAll" />
Which definitely goes against .NET server-side code naming guidelines and maybe JavaScript guidelines as well.
Any advice is much appreciated.