



I'm trying to get Maven working with ProGuard.

What I want to achieve is the following:

  • Run ProGuard over my source files and produce obfuscated classes

  • Create a manifest file that references the main class so that I can execute it as a jar

  • Unpack all of the associated library jars and create one huge jar containing them all. This file should only contact .class and .xml files only.

  • Assemble them into .zip and tar.gz files that include various README.txt files and so on.

So far I've got something like this:




But I'm having no joy. Can anyone give me any vague pointers on this?

Thanks in advance, Matt

+3  A: 

Here is the configuration that had worked for me

            <option>-keep public class com.class.path.MainClass { public *; public static *; }</option>

The final jar is the finalName-small.jar

David Rabinowitz
Is there a reason you are using the package phase and not the process-classes phase? Process-classes runs after compile but before package so you can access target/classes before they are get jarred.
It's been a while, but as far as I remember I found out that the plugin basically runs proguard, so it likes to get one jar and emit anther one. In other words - many trial and error, this one works...
David Rabinowitz