I have the following code in my perl script:
my $directory; my @files; my $help; my $man; my $verbose; undef $directory; undef @files; undef $help; undef $man; undef $verbose; GetOptions( "dir=s" => \$directory, # optional variable with default value (false) "files=s" => \@files, # optional variable that allows comma-separated # list of file names as well as multiple # occurrenceces of this option. "help|?" => \$help, # optional variable with default value (false) "man" => \$man, # optional variable with default value (false) "verbose" => \$verbose # optional variable with default value (false) ); if (@files) { @files = split(/,/,join(',', @files)); }
What is the best way to handle mutually exclusive command line arguments? In my script I only want the user to enter only the "--dir" or "--files" command line argument but not both. Is there anyway to configure Getopt to do this?