



I have reduced my problem to finding the minimal spanning tree in the graph. But I want to have one more constraint which is that the total degree for each vertex shouldnt exceed a certain constant factor. How do I model my problem? Is MST the wrong path? Do you know any algorithms that will help me?

One more problem: My graph has duplicate edge weights so is there a way to count the number of unique MSTs? Are there algorithms that do this?

Thank You.

Edit: By degree, I mean the total number of edges connecting the vertex. By duplicate edge weight I mean that two edges have the same weight.


Q: By vertex degrees do you mean degree between the link incoming into the node and the outgoing link from the node? A: if this is the case you add a condition such as that:

if angle(link1, link2) <> certain_value_Degrees
then (find next path using MST)
else (discard path link1, link2 and looking for a new one -or-)

Q: By Duplicate edge weights, does that mean that a link will have a weight A for condition A and weight b for condition b? A: If this is the case you can deal with it by assigning two links A, B with different weights, or you can do it as a maximum flow problem

Im sorry you need to explain the second answer. Duplicate edge weights means two edges can have the same weight. By degree i mean the total edges connecting the vertex.
+2  A: 

Well, it's easy to prove that there may not be a solution: just make your input graph a tree that has a vertex with degree higher than your limit..

John Fouhy
What if i put the load factor higher than the total weight constraint? That is I am willing to settle for the second minimal or even a third minimal. But that entails heuristics which may create more problem. For example, how do you decide which edge to replace? God is there another way to solve this problem?
I don't know; you haven't told us what your problem is :-) But if you want a spanning tree with all vertices having deg <= n ... well, I can come up with a graph where any spanning tree (minimal or otherwise) includes at least one vertex with degree n+1. Heuristics won't help you in that situation..
John Fouhy
+2  A: 

Garey Johnson had this problem reduce to hamilton :( So this one helped. Approximating the first one: However, better working models are appreciated...

Counting: . According to this, mathematica has a function. Any suggestions in this one?

Well, if you dig into the matrix tree theorem (referenced on mathworld), maybe you can find a way to systematically turn one spanning tree into another. If you can do that, then you could cycle through the spanning trees until you find one that suits your purposes. This is all a wild guess, though; no guarantees :-)
John Fouhy
+1  A: 

This paper shows how to find, in polynomial time, a spanning tree of maximum degree d + 1 that is at least as good as any spanning tree of maximum degree d:

//Edit The original link is currently inactive, try instead.

Havent read the entire thing but looks really useful. Thanks.