I am using the portlet plugin from jQuery UI
my question is:
is it possible to save the order of the portlets in the database so when the user come back he can see his portlets sorted in the same order?How?
I am using the portlet plugin from jQuery UI
my question is:
is it possible to save the order of the portlets in the database so when the user come back he can see his portlets sorted in the same order?How?
Well, I can't really answer your question but I would suggest this:
If the order of portlets is not mission-critical, then use cookies to store the order instead of using a database. This will save you valuable space and performance.
Plus, you get to support users that have not logged in.
I have done this the cookie saving method and my saving to the database.
The database way is really the best method
When I saved box positions with a cookie, the page would load and the boxes would be in there default position, then when the page finished reading the cookie it would re-arrange the boxes from the cookie data which made the page look really slow