



I seem to have lost the association from .sql files to the default VS T-SQL editor. I'm using Visual Studio 2008. When i open a .sql file it opens using a text editor with no syntax highlighting. How do I reassociate all .sql files with the default T-SQL editor while inside Visual Studio?


in file explorer, right click on the .sql file, chose "open with" then "choose program...", select VS and check "always use..."

i chose "open with" and don't have the choice of VS. I have choices of XML, Source Code, HTML, Binary, Resource editors. I've tried them all (currently using Source Code editor). I added VS (devenv.exe) as a program and used that but it opened a new instance of VS with the Source Code editor (no syntax highlighting)
@Scott, the open with list will list window's bets guesses. Isn't there a "choose program..." option at the bottom? this will open a dialogue box where you can pick any program you want.
@KM, thanks for working with me on this, yes i did get a choose program. That is the option I chose to select VS as in your suggestion. But which exe do I choose then for the built-in T-SQL editor with visual studio. I tried selecting VS as you suggested but the exe i chose is devenv.exe and that opened another instance of VS but still used the source code editor with no highlighting.
@Scott, I don't have VS, so I can't tell you

If you are not in a "SQL Server Project" you don't have the T-SQL Editor (Default Project Editor), just the default one. You can always use the default text editor which is not much different.

Marc Climent

Edit Registry, copy GUID from key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VWDExpress\9.0\Languages\Language Services\T-SQL\Default

Create new key .sql in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VWDExpress\9.0\Languages\File Extensions and default value set to GUID from first step.

Restart VS


Thanks Pavel, works like a charm. In my case I copied the guid from HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Languages\Language Services\T-SQL90\Default and created a new .sql key in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Languages\File Extensions.
