



Which javascript editor is good ? I need intellisense support for cusotm javascript code as well ? If it supports debugging that'll be a great value add, of course I need it.

Searched too much on the internet, found a few but did not work for me.

Can you please suggest a good javascript editor ?


Visual Studio

Visual studio is too general, I need very specific.
this. __curious_geek
Ok, MS visual studio 2008. Quite heavyweight, but I find it great for coding and debugging JScript

Best, when it comes to choice of editors, is rather subjective. I've very fond of Komodo Edit though. It comes with built in support for a bunch of common libraries and will also complete based on parsing the JS it is working on.

David Dorward
I like Komodo, too. But I don't remember it having JS debugging like NetBeans and Aptana has. Does it?
Debugging I leave to Firebug.
David Dorward
+10  A: 

Aptana Studio seems like a good one i only downloaded it 2 days ago but covers JS PHP and much much more and also when your creating a project it gives you an option to include JS libraries like jQuery or YUI etc.!!!

AFAIK It offers intellisense and debugging for all the languages it supports

There is a community edition which is free and also a Pro version, i am currently using the free community edition and liking it alot!


Do you have intellisense support for your custom javascript ?
this. __curious_geek
If the script is contained in the same file as what you are editing yes, if it is included using a <script src=..... then no. I don't know if this is an option that can be turned on yet as I haven't explored all the options yet as I have only been using the app for 2 days.
There's a little box in the upper-left hand corner called "profile." Dragging any script up there will add it to your code-complete/intellisense profile. So, yes, it does.
Excellent!! Cheers ajm!
Biggest problem I have with Aptana is that the performance suffers greatly with large files. I have a script a few thousand lines long and it's horrible. Otherwise I love the editor.
That sounds cool, I want to see it debug js. I usually use chrome for that, but it's a pain tabbing between the browser and the editor. Looks like it's built on eclipse; eclipse has pretty good js support already, but debugging never worked for me...
+7  A: 

Visual Studio 2008 is far from perfect for editing javascript, but it is ok, especially with the Javascript intellisense hotfix.

Visual Studio 2010 is supposed to have even better Javascript Intellisense, but I haven't tried this myself yet. You could take a look at the public beta.

Regarding debugging: Firebug solves that part almost perfectly. It's not integrated with the IDE, but apart from that there is very little I could criticize about it. It also does quite a few other things apart from Javascript debugging, so it is a must have for AJAX developers anyway.

Adrian Grigore
+1 for Firebug, it's very good at what it does.
Andrzej Doyle
+5  A: 

I have really had good experiences with NetBeans. It can usually figure out most methods of writing JavaScript, with the exception of the closure method. For most JavaScript frameworks, it also supports code completion, and even for some custom libraries if you use the JSDoc inline documentation format.

Heat Miser
+1 for netbeans. I'd +1 you one more for mentioning docblock integration. It works well in eclipse, too.

I use Visual Studio 2010 but you can't take advantage of it, if you use advance javascript for example if you declare a function like

var myFunction = { name : function(){}, lastName : function() },

the intellisense wont do anything, but if you writte in the way function name() will suit very good for you.

I think there are not any IDE o editor that really really help javascript developer with the debugging and intellisense way. Most of my bugs are resolve by previous experience. Javascript is a hard debugging and writting language.


Netbeans PHP comes also with PHP and JS live debugging...


IntelliJ IDEA

Sven Hecht
+5  A: 

WebStorm by JetBrains has some serious javascript parsing and refactoring muscle.

I've tried Coda, TextMate, Expresso, BBEdit, and Komodo. Except WebStorm, BBEdit and Komodo were the only ones that were able to figure out autocompletion reliably, however, both have no refactoring facilities at all. The rest were pretty much "dumb" editors and could offer no help, no completion and no refactoring. Only WebStorm could do symbol highlighting.

Netbeans is worth a separate mention. It is on par with WebStorm in terms of parsing muscle and refactoring, but it doesn't have a project type for creating HTML+JavaScript projects. You can add your src folder to "Favorites" without creating a new project and it will work fine. However, between the two, WebStorm is clearly a more focused and complete product for web developers.

Also, WebStorm seems to be the latest entry and already it runs circles around the competition. I think JetBrains took their IDEA Java IDE and striped pieces off it to make it a web developer's IDE. As the result, the product feels lightweight yet mysteriously powerful.

Thanks for the heads up on WebStorm, checking it out now for couchDB app editing (just javascript/html). I've been using Netbeans but find it lacking.
Mark Essel
I've been going back and forth between WebStorm (at the moment the PhpStorm variant) and Netbeans. Right now, Storm feels faster and annoys me less; and isn't that all that matters in the end =). I'm using one of the Storm 2.0 builds that you can get through the EAP here: