



What is the cheapest way to deploy or host an ASP.Net MVC application? Any shared hostings? This is for a little toy application which I'll pay from my own pocket. Nothing entreprisy, the cheaper the better.

+1  A: 

Hosting and deploying are two different things, but if you're talking about hosting Web Host support all the new ASP.Net platforms including MVC and have plans that start at $5.00 a month. I'm sure thats not much to pay out of your pocket.

Well, yes. It is my intention to deploy to a shared hosting.
J. Pablo Fernández
+12  A: 

Any shared hosting that supports ASP.NET 3.5 should be capable of hosting your ASP.NET MVC apps. You just need to deploy these DLLs in bin directory:

  • System.Web.Mvc.dll

In case it's not on .NET 3.5 SP1:

  • System.Web.Abstractions.dll
  • System.Web.Routing.dll

Of course, to be able to use extensionless URLs, your host should support IIS7 Integrated mode or allow you to add a wildcard map (or you can email them and ask them to add it for you). Otherwise, nothing prevents you from using .aspx URLs if they didn't agree. Just change the routing table entries to something like:

routes.MapRoute("Default", "{controller}.aspx/{action}/{id}", 
                           new { action = "Index", id = "" });
Mehrdad Afshari
Note, if these are installed in the GAC on your development box, by default when you Publish the MVC project they won't be copied to the bin folder. To automatically copy to bin folder on Publish, in your project go to References, select the assembly and in the Properties pane set Copy Local to true (do this for each assembly).
+1  A: 

I run all my dev/pre-production ASP.NET MVC sites on Godaddy's Windows virtual server hosting. They also have cheap shared hosting, which starts at $5/month. I haven't tried their shared hosting but I trust the company as they have good 24/7 phone support (I just wish they would get rid of all that annoying/distracting graphics on their web site).

+1  A: 

I've deployed ASP.NET MVC apps on before - relatively cheap, and pretty easy to do. They have Windows 2008 servers so the routing will work out of the box.


Have had relatively easy go of it w/ Godaddy on shared ("premium") server. Makes life particularly easy if you go for IIS7 with Integrated pipeline mode. Also, don't forget to configure virtual director(ies) for application root while you're in there.


I prefer Mocha host, they have all features for low prices... Check it out:

+1  A: 

I have not deployed a MVC application yet but for me it was the same. I was looking for a cheap hosting site and still was good.

The one I found is ReliableSite.Net

It is cheap and good. They even throw a free MS SQL 2005 database(1 GB- Extra DB costs $1) what other places charge $10/Month and give you less then 500MB of space.

I find Reliable does not nickle and dim you for every single thing and gives reasonable prices and have great coupons.

Like this coupon for 15% off for life: "aspforum"

I am pretty sure they support MVC but just email them quickly to make sure as I have not deployed my own MVC project yet on their server and won't be till about a month or 2.

Also like people said go with Windows 2008 since it will help with routing and it is not much more.

*I forgot to mention that you add unlimited domains on the site. What is especially good for hosting pet projects since you don't need to buy a hosting package for every site. One will cover your needs for all your sites.


Arvixe supports mvc. Not Expensive, good service
