



Registers are a feature of emacs that I make a lot of use of. For those not familiar, you highlight some text, and then ask emacs to place it in a numbered register (0-9). Then as you're going along you can ask emacs to insert the text in the given register into your code.

Basically I can save a chunk of text on the fly and then insert it into a buffer at a later time. The content of the register dies when the session dies.

Question is, does Visual Studio have a similar feature?

+5  A: 

Ctrl-shift-V will allow you to cycle through the last few things you copied or cut.

Good luck.

another average joe
So that's like "Ctl-Y" followed by "Alt-Y" in emacs. Not quite what I'm looking for, but still good to know. :)
Craig W. Wright
+1  A: 

You can also drag text onto the Toolbox and later drag it back. Then, of course, there are Code Snippets, macros, etc.

John Saunders