Super hack, but I needed to solve this problem right away for a client project. It's still a bug with Rails 2.3.5.
Using either date_select
or datetime_select
, if you add this to your model in the initialize
method, you can pre-parse the passed form-serialized attributes to make it work:
def initialize(attributes={})
date_hack(attributes, "deliver_date")
def date_hack(attributes, property)
keys, values = [], []
attributes.each_key {|k| keys << k if k =~ /#{property}/ }.sort
keys.each { |k| values << attributes[k]; attributes.delete(k); }
attributes[property] = values.join("-")
I am using this with a nested, polymorphic, model. Here's a question I had showing the models I'm using. So I needed accepts_nested_attributes_for
with a datetime.
Here's the input and output using the console:
e = Event.last
=> #<Event id: 1052158304 ...>
=> []
e.model_surveys_attributes = [{"survey_id"=>"864743981", "deliver_date(1i)"=>"2010", "deliver_date(2i)"=>"2", "deliver_date(3i)"=>"11"}]
PRE ATTRIBUTES: {"survey_id"=>"864743981", "deliver_date(1i)"=>"2010", "deliver_date(2i)"=>"2", "deliver_date(3i)"=>"11"}
# run date_hack
POST ATTRIBUTES: {"survey_id"=>"864743981", "deliver_date"=>"2010-2-11"}
=> [#<ModelSurvey id: 121, ..., deliver_date: "2010-02-11 05:00:00">]
>> e.model_surveys.last.deliver_date.class
=> ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
Otherwise it was either null, or it would throw the error:
1 error(s) on assignment of multiparameter attributes
Hope that helps,