



Hi All,

Rather weird to ask, but Java has an app server, I can develop web apps in Java using JSP and Servlets and also Swing apps, can use the same java routines my web apps use, etc, etc.

I love C++ is there any way I can use C++ for web development? (Not a Microsoft path...).

I would appreciate thoughts!


+8  A: 

You can, but there are much better choices (languages and frameworks better suited) out there.

If you must then I suggest you check out Wt.

Andrew Hare
@Andrew - There may be better choices, but what are my C++ options currently?
Wow. Never heard of Wt before. I'd never use it, but it's cool.
The licensing for this is either GPL or commercial license (cost per year per developer). I am interested in something open source without GPL restriction. I see comment about CppCMS below (LGPL).
+4  A: 

If you want to write web apps in C++, I suggest you check out Wt -- it sure looks cool from the docs, though, alas, I have no real-world experience with it.

Alex Martelli
+4  A: 

Check out Poco as well. I haven't done web development with it, but it is really nice for everything else. Check out C++ Server Page Compiler and Apache Connecter for an idea what is available. The Apache Connector looks really cool though I have never deployed with it as of yet.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have done some work on Poco so I might not be completely unbiased. However, I found it for a reason and was a user before I was a contributor ;)

+2  A: 

There is also CppCMS, it differs from Wt in following:

  • License, it is LGPL, when Wt is GPL, meaning, CppCMS may be used free in non Open-Source projects as well.
  • It is not build to "simulate GUI over web", but more close to modern MVC framework like Django.
  • It is build with performance and scalability in the mind.
For the CppCMS wiki:"Windows does not confirms to POSIX standards, thus CppCMS can be build only via POSIX compatibility layer — Cygwin.It would not run as native Win32API application or can be build and debugged using Microsoft tools. But, who cares?"Umm, a lot of people care.
So use Linux ;). In any case. it is not a big effort to make it useable with GCC under Win32 API, using MingW. It was done once, but it was not supported due to lack of interest.