





I'm not a programmer but do have some knowledge of OOP through using AS3. I'm looking for a book which will teach me asp.net without baffling me with programmer terms. Can anyone recommend a good book for me?

many thanks

+1  A: 

try Beginning ASP.NET 3.5: In C# and VB by Wrox. But as a side note you will also have to learn C# or VB.Net.

Yeah, Im agree with you. Maybe that book is the best you can find for learning. Maybe you can wait until march 22 for the 4.0 edition.
Jesus Rodriguez

As well as learning ASP.NET you'll potentially have to learn (if currently unknown)...

  • HTML
  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • VB.NET or C#
  • Javascript

For books, beginning ASP.NET books by Wrox are generally very good. Any book that get recommended to you, I would suggest looking those books up in amazon and reading the reviews on them to make your happy with the books you will be buying.

thanks for this.I've actually been a web designer/developer for a number of years so have a good grounding in HTML, CSS, PHP and a few other things. I've just never used ASP.NET or C# before.
+2  A: 

When people talk about ASP.NET, they are usually referring to WebForms. Unless you are specifically required to learn WebForms, I recommend going straight for ASP.NET MVC. IMHO it's a far nicer, cleaner approach to web development which embraces the real mechanics of the web, rather than trying to hide it in a clumsy manner as WebForms does.

This is a good book for learning ASP.NET MVC.

I agree, if you're just getting started, you'll be better served long-term to learn about web development in general (including HTML, CSS and JavaScript) and then use a web framework that embraces the way the web works. Web Forms was really built for VB6 developers who needed to move to the web without learning new skills. I think it's safe to say that time spent learning about the web at this point is a valuable investment. Focus on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and then ASP.NET MVC.
Already know html, css and javascript. Sorry I should have mentioned that in the question. My problem is I'm not a programmer, more a middleman between the programmers and the designer. My new company use ASP.NET and C#, which i've never used before. So I'm after a book to teach me the basics and something I can also use as a reference.

You might try ASP .NET 3.5 for Dummies.

Darth Continent

I think "MS ASP.NET 3.5 Step by Step" this book from Microsoft and but you at the start of your way and give you a push forward.

Then may you try something more Advanced.

Wahid Bitar