I need a very granular authorization system that works seamlessly with Authlogic.
I've tried these gems/plugins so far:
I've also looked at, but not tried implementing:
I've searched around for a good tutorial detailing how to set up any of these with Authlogic in a way that makes sense (only the Lockdown doc seems to outline how to set this up with Authlogic), but have come up with next to nothing. The only one of these that made the remotest sense to me was the documentation for Lockdown, but I don't think that package will work for me (from what I understand of it).
What I'd really love is a good tutorial specifically about setting one of these authorization solutions up with Authlogic, or else a simple example application where I can see how the code comes together and works. Can anyone point me to any good step-by-step (and why) resources, or else provide a simple application with one of these authorization solutions set up on top of Authlogic?