



I am using openID on my site for login and need it to fetch the XRDS document So I unsecured it

<location path="xrds.aspx">
                <allow users="?" />

But when the openID server checks the domain for the location of this file it asks for and it should receive a header telling it where this file is. It can’t get this because the page redirects to a login page and the openID server doesn’t follow the redirect. The solution is to unsecure / . I tried and can go to domain/default.htm no problem as it is not secured but if I go to just / it’s still secured.

If there a way to specify a location for / ? Note: path attribute must be a relative virtual path. It cannot contain any of '?' ':' '\' '*' '"' '<' '>' or '|'.


Have you tried using "~" as the path yet? It points at the application root, which (depending on your particular configuration) likely is the same folder as "/" for your domain.

Remy Lebeau - TeamB
Tried, no luck, thanks

How about the empty string for a path?

Andrew Arnott
Sorry tried that, no luck

The root path is represented by the core Web.config file that is NOT wrapped in a &lt;location/&gt; tag. You would need to remove security on the whole application, then selectively apply it to the files and child folders you want security to be enabled on. I know its not really a pretty answer, but sadly, thats the way it works.

Ya this is what I did, Sadly it's hard to maintain as new folders are added and old ones are removed.
@Jeff: I totally agree, its kind of a morbid oversight on Microsoft's behalf. I've had this problem myself many times in the past, and I've always hated dealing with it.