




I'm an experienced programmer but I haven't tried using Perl before. Can anyone please give me a link to a good tutorial of the Perl language? Thank you very much.

+6  A: 

The Llama book is really unsurpassed.

Alex Martelli
I want to add the Camel book too; that's actually how I learnt Perl.
Chris Jester-Young
Me too (back in perl 4 times) but I wouldn't call it "a tutorial" -- maybe just a semantic quibble (it _is_ a great book, though, you're right!).
Alex Martelli
I personally feel the Llama book is too simple for an experienced programmer.
Ryan Schumacher
+6  A: 

I believe that the Camel book is the de facto standard Perl book. From the description

Programming Perl is not just a book about Perl; it is also a unique introduction to the language and its culture, as one might expect only from its authors.

The camel book is a bit dated now. Perl is 10 years past it.
brian d foy

Rex Swain's HTMLified Perl 5 Reference Guide is great for reference. And there's the official Perl documentation, with links to tutorials, etc.


I really like this site for an online reference/tutorial:


The actual tutorial is here:


Hmm - this link appears to be broken as of 2/9/2010 - his site says "I don't have time to maintain this any longer"
+4  A: 

perldoc.perl.org is the best language reference site for any language that I know of. It includes tutorials, FAQs and the complete language reference and man pages. CPAN is the source for modules and Perl Monks is the community site.

+1  A: 

Learn Perl has some resources. Perl has an excellent community. Checkout The Monsastery Gates.

Also, do not forget to read perldoc perlintro.

Happy Perl-ing. :-)

Alan Haggai Alavi

Picking Up Perl was my introduction to Perl. I did buy pretty much every decent Perl book in the intervening years, but that tutorial is how I got started. It helped me make sense of the big picture while reading Learning Perl.

Sinan Ünür
+2  A: 

Leaning Perl the Hard Way is one of my favorites! (GFDL :)

From the book:

Do we really need another Perl book? Well obviously I think so, and here's why:

  • I want a book for people who already know how to program in another language, but don't know Perl.

  • I want a book that gets through the basics as quickly as possible.

  • I want a book that emphasizes good programming style in Perl.

  • I wanted to bring [OOP] closer to the center of focus.

Ryan Schumacher

Personally, I would recommend installing ActiveState Perl on your local windows box if you have one. The HTML help docs are great and when you use their PPM perl module installer it installs docs for that module into the same HTML doc. Very handy.

As a side note, as a multi-language programmer that now uses Perl - avoid the temptation to use some of the bizarre non-intuitive Perl syntax "just because you can do it in Perl". Specifically the practice of using "inferred" variables, like "@_". Stick to rational programming practices and variable naming conventions to make your code understandible even to other coders that do not know Perl.


Ron Savage
+1  A: 

try http://www.perlhome.com

Please expand upon this answer.
Brad Gilbert