I wrote this. Yes, I know it's VB6. Yes, it is production code, and, yeah, I know it uses gotos. I am a lazy, evil beast ...
So show me (and the rest of us) how it should be written
Public Function SplitString(ByVal sText As Variant) As Variant
Dim nHere As Long
Dim cHere As String * 1
Dim aRes As Variant
Dim nRes As Long
Dim bInquote As Boolean
Dim sString As String
ReDim aRes(0)
nHere = 1
nRes = 0
If nHere > Len(sText) Then Exit Do
cHere = Mid$(sText, nHere, 1)
If cHere = Chr$(32) Then
If bInquote Then
sString = sString & cHere
GoTo nextChar
End If
If sString <> vbNullString Then
aRes(nRes) = sString
sString = vbNullString
nRes = nRes + 1
ReDim Preserve aRes(nRes)
End If
GoTo nextChar
ElseIf cHere = Chr$(34) Then
bInquote = Not bInquote
GoTo nextChar
sString = sString & cHere
End If
nHere = nHere + 1
If sString <> vbNullString Then
aRes(nRes) = sString
End If
SplitString = aRes
End Function
By the way, it splits a string into an array. The elements in the string may be quoted.