
Unnecessary null check in KeyedCollection<TKey, TItem>.Contains(TKey)

Just found an unnecessary null check in KeyedCollection.Contains(TKey). Appreciate it's only a very small optimization, but shouldn't thought this sort of inefficiency be picked up by an automated code analysis tool? Here's the C# generated by reflector: public bool Contains(TKey key) { if (key == null) { ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumen...

Is System.AddIn mostly about making it easier to use Remoting or does it make it harder to do so?

It takes at least 7 assemblies and restricting my AddIn's data model to data types that remoting can deal with before the appdomain isolation features begin to work. It is so complex! The System.AddIn teams blog implies to me they were trying to re-create a mental model of COM, a model I never understood very well in the first place and...