
How to validate a property of a custom object in a databinding scenario (i.e. BindingList)?

When you a set a property's value, you can either validate before or after updating the internal value. If validating before, you could throw an exception if the new value is invalid. The object is then always in a valid state. If validating after, undo is desired (i.e. via IEditableObject), so the user can cancel the edit any time. ...

.NET Attributes List

Hi, Is there a list somewhere on common Attributes which are used in objects like Serializable? Thanks Edit ~ The reason I asked is that I came across an StoredProcedure attribute in ntiers ORMS. ...

How to do a LINQ Outer Join of a SubTable?

I have a data tables with this type of setup. Table A AID AName --------------------- 1 A_Name1 2 A_Name2 3 A_Name3 Table B BID BName --------------------- 10 B_Name1 20 B_Name2 30 B_Name3 Table C AID BID --------------------- 1 10 2 10 2 20 2 30 3 20 3 ...

TTS Engine Recommendation

Can anyone recommend a reliable and cost effective TTS engine for use in a telephony application? Requirements are: Must support the Windows platform Must have rich language support including support for accents (ie US English vs GB English) Nice to have: Integration with the .NET platform Budget friendly Though the output will be...

How do I put a WebResponse into a memory stream?

What is the best way to get a file (in this case, a .PDF, but any file will do) from a WebResponse and put it into a MemoryStream? Using .GetResponseStream() from WebResponse gets a Stream object, but if you want to convert that Stream to a specific type of stream, what do you do? ...

How do I decompile a .NET EXE into readable C# source code?

I wrote a C# application for a client a couple of years ago, but I no longer have the source code. All I have is the EXE that I deployed on the client's PC. Is there a way I can generate C# source code from the EXE? ...

High speed graphing control for .NET (or MFC)?

I need to write a digital oscilloscope type application. There are many great static graphing controls out there, but I need something that can graph 16 traces processing 4000 samples per second. Is anyone aware of a high speed graphing control for .NET? I'll even take MFC since that can be wrapped into a .NET control. Thanks for the...

Trace vs Debug in .NET BCL

It seems that the System.Diagnostics.Debug and System.Diagnostics.Trace are largely the same, with the notable exception that Debug usage is compiled out in a release configuration. When would you use one and not the other? The only answer to this I've dug up so far is just that you use the Debug class to generate output that you only ...

How to resolve "Could not find schema information for the element/attribute <xxx>"?

In visual studio, I have an asp.net 3.5 project that is using MS Enterprise Library 4.0 application blocks. When I have my web config file open, my Error list fills up with 99 messages with things like Could not find schema information for the element 'dataConfiguration'. Could not find schema information for the attribute 'default...

C# - Convert UTC/GMT time to local time

We are developing a C# application for a web-service client. This will run on Windows XP PC's. One of the fields returned by the web service is a DateTime field. The server returns a field in GMT format i.e. with a "Z" at the end. However, we found that .NET seems to do some kind of implicit conversion and the time was always 12 hours ...

XML Serialization, No Whitespace

I have the following serialization method: Private Function SerializeData(ByVal data As cData) As String If data IsNot Nothing Then Dim xml_stream As New MemoryStream() Dim sr As StreamReader Dim xs As New XmlSerializer(GetType(cData)) xml_stream = New MemoryStream() ...

What is the best 3rd party GUI framework for application development in C#?

Examples could be Infragistics or DevExpress. But I'm also looking for your opinions on other frameworks. It could even be WPF if that is your favorite. ...

Get the Primary Key of a new Entry

I have a number of child tables that have a foreign key to a parent table. How do I add an entry in the parent table and get the primary key of that entry, so that I can then enter rows in the child tables that point to the entry in the parent table? I'm doing this in a MS Access Database from a C# application. ...

What is the best virtual grid for Winforms Csharp

i am looking for both performance as well as ease of learning curve. thoughts? ...

Updateable (and persistable) dataset based on a join - possible with ADO.Net???

So lets say I have a dataset based on: SELECT TopicLink.*, Topic.Name AS FromTopicName, Topic_1.Name AS ToTopicName FROM TopicLink INNER JOIN Topic ON TopicLink.FromTopicId = Topic.TopicId INNER JOIN Topic AS Topic_1 ON TopicLink.ToTopicId = Topic_1.TopicId With old school ADO, u...

C# WinForms UserControl Mouse Event Help

I have a custom control that I created for my project. In this control there are several child controls like a Label, a PictureBox, and a LinkLabel. Other then the LinkLabel, I want the mouse over event currently on the parent control and have the control respond to the mouse over. The background color changes when you hover over the con...

How to display DateTime with an abbreviated Time Zone?

I am aware of the System.TimeZone class as well as the many uses of the DateTime.ToString() method. What I haven't been able to find is a way to convert a DateTime to a string that, in addition to the time and date info, contains the three-letter Time Zone abbreviation (in fact, much the same way StackOverflow's tooltips for relative ti...

C# Abstract class, using anonymous instead of declaring concrete class?

I have an abstract class and I would like to use it quickly by NOT create a concrete class that inherit the abstract class. Well, to define the abstract method anonymously. Something like that: Command c = new Command(myObject){ public override void Do() { } ...

LINQ inner join betwenn Enumerable and DB Table

I'm trying to determine which records to delete from a database when a user submits a form. The page has two CheckBoxList one representing the records before modification and one after. I can easily get the selected values that need to be deleted like this... //get the items not selected that were selected before var oldSelectedItems =...

How can I debug a VB6 project that has a .net interop project which uses an app.config file?

I have a .net interop project that uses an app.config file. When I am running the VB6 project that is using the interop control in Debug mode, the ConfigurationManager cannot find the app.config file. When I make the VB6 project into an exe and rename the app.config file to (VB6 binary name).exe.config, the ConfigurationManager can find ...