
.net Compact Framework 4.0

Will their be a new release of the compact framework with VS2010 and .net 4.0 and if so what new features will it include? WPF? linq to SQL? etc ...

Drill down charts in ASP.NET

I'm trying to get a set of reports running in an (VB) ASP.NET project and as part of that I'd like to display some charts visualising the data. I'm able to get charts generated, and have used Flotr, Plotr, Google Charts, and some CSS techniques at various times as I've experimented with this. Ideally, what I'm trying to achieve is havin...

What will it take to add Objective-C support to the .NET common language runtime?

Is it possible for the .NET CLR to support Objective-C? Are there any reasons (either from a legal or implementational) standpoint why this wouldn't be possible? In the spirit of cross-platform application development, it would be nice to be able to write and run Objective-c applications on Windows machines. At least i think it would. ...

What does InitializeComponent() do, and how does it work? (WPF)

What does InitializeComponent() do, and how does it work? (WPF) In general first, but I would especially be interested to know the gory details of order of construction, and what happens when there are AttachedProperties. ...

Opening pipe connection to a file descriptor in C#

I have a legacy app where it reads message from a client program from file descriptor 3. This is an external app so I cannot change this. The client is written in C#. How can we open a connection to a specific file descriptor in C#? Can we use something like AnonymousPipeClientStream()? But how do we specify the file descriptor to connec...

When should I dispose my objects in .NET?

For general code, do I really need to dispose an object? Can I just ignore it for the most part or is it a good idea to always dispose an object when your 100% sure you don't need it anymroe? ...

Delivery of .Net 3.5 SP1

If I were to include .Net Framework setup file along with my apps (installation process is done by our own technician), to be install on a clean Windows (XP SP2/SP3 or Vista SP1) without prior installation of any framework, which of the .Net Framework setup do I need to install in sequence, to get to 3.5 SP1? Currently I have the setup f...

Find Unused Resources in a .NET Solution

How do you go about finding unused icons, images, strings in .resx files that may have become 'orphaned' and are no longer required? ...

C++/CLI Reference Variable

void f(cli::array<PointF> ^points){ PointF& a = points[0]; // and so on... } Compile error at line 2. .\ndPanel.cpp(52) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'System::Drawing::PointF' to 'System::Drawing::PointF &' An object from the gc heap (element of a managed array) cannot be converted to a native re...

Find unused code

I have to refactor a large C# Application, and i found a lot of functions that are never used in the app. Is there a tool that can check for unused code, so i can remove all the unused functions? ...

send key for right arrow

what is the syntax for the sendkey for rightarrow in .net? ...

MVP events or property

I'm using the MVP pattern in a windows form app. I need to change a radio button on the view. I can do this by exposing a Boolean property on the view, but should I be using events to manipulate the view instead? ...

How can I integrate Java with .Net?

I have one SDK that is available in Java and another SDK that is available for .Net and would like to write a single application that interfaces with both of them. I imagine I will need to use a cross platform communication framework that can support named pipes (or other in memory communication), what is the best choice? After some mo...

Debugging .NET dynamic methods

We are using LINQ very widely in our system. Particularly LINQ-to-objects. So in some places we end up having a LINQ query in memory build up from some huge expressions. The problem comes when there's some bug in the expressions. So we get NullReferenceException and the stack trace leads us nowhere (to [Lightweight Function]). The except...

Group Similar Taskbar Buttons

Our app is made up of several Modules, and we would like to take advantage of the XP feature that would allow these to be grouped together. For example all windows in "Module A" would be grouped together, separately from windows in "Module B". I've tried setting the AssemblyTitle attribute in the project's AssemblyInfo.cs file but sti...

div with id="end" on masterpage breaks .NET validation

Quick info: I'm using latest release of .NET 2.0, and the following is a stripped down test page I wrote to reproduce the error. Excluding header bits, (there is no included/inline css or javascript) My content page looks like this: <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphMain" runat="server"> <div> <asp:ValidationSumma...

convert keycode to key char

How to convert keycode to keychar in .net? ...

Are Open and Closed only relevant values of ConnectionState enumeration?

The MSDN page on ConnectionState enumeration says "This value is reserved for future versions of the product", for all values except Open and Closed. What does that mean? Are other values even used? However from this StackOverflow answer appears that ConnectionState.Broken is also used. ...

Retrieving the value of RETURN @@IDENTITY in C#

Here's a very simple question. I have an SP that inserts a row into a table and at the end there's the statement RETURN @@IDENTITY. What I can't seem to find is a way to retrieve this value in C#. I'm using the Enterprise library and using the method: db.ExecuteNonQuery(cmd); I've tried cmd.Parameters[0].Value to get the value but tha...

How to unit test IDisposable?

I'm working on a piece of library code around IDisposable. The managed path (via using) is easily testable. I'm wondering about the finalizer though: Is calling System.GC.Collect() sufficient to force the finalizer to run? ...