
How to send an email with attachments using SmtpClient.SendAsync?

Hi, I am using a service component through ASP.NET MVC. I would like to send the email in a asynchronous way to let the user do other stuff without having to wait for the sending. When I send a message without attachments it works fine. When I send a message with at least one in-memory attachment it fails. So, I would like to know if ...

How do I retrieve the properties of a photo taken on a digital camera using .NET?

Preferably in VB.Net, but c# is fine, how can I access the extra properties added to a file by my digital camera, like "Date Picture Taken", "Shutter Speed" or "Camera Model"? ...

mobile ocr sample code

I was wondering if you can give me sample (or snippet) code in OCR for Mobile Phones because i need to have an idea how to start my project. i know how to code it for the use in desktop PC's but my partner told me that mobile phones has a different platform. We are planning to use .net for mobile on this one.. hope you can help me..:) ...

C# and Data Hiding

I'm new to C# and .Net in general so this may be a naive thing to ask. But anyway, consider this C# code: class A { public int Data {get; set;} } class B { public A Aval {get; set;} } The B.Aval property above is returning a reference to its internal A object. As a former C++ programmer, I find this dangerous because by expos...

Using MySql From .Net - Licensing Concerns

I am working on a project and trying to determine what platform to use. Right now, my first choice would be to use ASP.Net MVC with a MySql database. My concern with this is that the MySql drivers have a GPL license. I am creating this for a company and therefore it can't be an open-source project. Here are the questions I have: If I u...

Create Generic Class instance based on Anonymous Type

Hi, I have a class ReportingComponent<T>, which has the constructor: public ReportingComponent(IQueryable<T> query) {} I have Linq Query against the Northwind Database, var query = context.Order_Details.Select(a => new { a.OrderID, a.Product.ProductName, a.Order.OrderDate }); Query is of type IQueryable<a'>, where ...

Creating DNS records programatically

The situation is, I have a website where the users get a sub domain. eg: client.mydomain.com. If the client fails to meet certain condition (eg. payment default), I want the above site to be pointing to a different web site. The way we want to do it is by creating a dns record with the appropriate redirection. I use a win 2003 server, a...

Does persistence ignorance in ADO.NET entity framework mean what I think it means?

If the framework is persistence agnostic, can my unit tests construct a file system version of the persistance store underneath my entity model? I'll be using the model first features of entity framework in the GUI for sure because it's too easy for my devs to make schema changes and keep DAL layer in sync. Has anyone tried using the m...

Programming for the 64 bit platform

While working on a .Net application (let's say an Asp.Net one), are there any differences in the way you would do things while working on the 64 bit platform, as compared to working on a 32 bit platform. I would imagine very little since you are working on the framework, and the framework is taking care of most things for you, right? B...

.NET CF Application and Out of Memory Exception

Hi, I am developing a .NET CF 3.5 network game. My issue is the app loads all the resources at first instance. However upon subsequent launches, the app gives me memory out of exception while loading resources especially sounds or big images. Please guide me ...

Samples for Domain Driven Design (esp .NET focused)

Ok so I've ordered Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: Using .Net, but while I wait for it to arrive I'm looking at starting to apply the techniques in my current project. I really grasp the concepts quite well now, but when I try to apply them I get caught up with the execution and end up leaking my respsonsibilities across the ...

Alternative to HttpListener?

Hello, I'm developing an application that is so far using HttpListener to provide a small standalone http server. However, I've recently discovered that HttpListener needs to be run as Administrator, which is not always going to be possible. What would the best alternative be? I need http GET and POST, both of which are not simply read...

How to add a dependency to a arbitrary file to a T4 template?

I have a T4 template that generates classes from an xml file. How can I add a dependency between the xml file and the template file so that when the xml file is modified the template is rerun automatically without choosing "Run custom tool" from the context menu? ...

Getting the SourceDir property from a C# custom action

I have some directories that are bundled with my installer and I need to access them from within a custom action. I have done some research and seen that the SourceDir can be used to obtain the currently executing dir location. However I cannot find any examples of how to obtain this property? Or another way to obtain the current dire...

What is the best practice for "Copy Local" and with project references?

I have a large c# solution file (~100 projects), and I am trying to improve build times. I think that "Copy Local" is wasteful in many cases for us, but I am wondering about best practices. In our .sln, we have application A depending on assembly B which depends on assembly C. In our case, there are dozens of "B" and a handful of "C"....

What's the best design in .NET to use for sending data over an unreliable (3G) network connection?

I'm re-designing an app I inherited that sends digital photos from a laptop to a web server. The idea is to take photos "out on the field" and have them instantly published on a web page (with some more fancy features). Typical scenario 1. Photos are transferred from the camera to the laptop using standard USB. 2. The photos are process...

Enumerating Windows/Controls of another application from .Net

I'm developing a small utility application that needs to detect whether another one has one of its MDI child windows open (it's an off-the-shelf Win32 business application over which I have neither source code nor control). From my app, I would like to be able to poll or detect when a particular MDI Child window is open. In .Net, it's ...

Haven't jumped on the Linq bandwagon, what are your reasons for not using linq?

Hi, I seem to be in the minority, but to be honest I am not comfortable with linq and don't see any benefits in my personal development (not to say there are no benefits, just a personal opinion based on my situation). I build web applications (.net, .net mvc) and I love having part of my data layer in stored procedures. One thing I l...

DataGridView Column sorting with Business Objects

I am setting-up my DataGridView like this: jobs = new List<DisplayJob>(); uxJobList.AutoGenerateColumns = false; jobListBindingSource.DataSource = jobs; uxJobList.DataSource = jobListBindingSource; int newColumn; newColumn = uxJobList.Columns.Add("Id", "Job No."); uxJobList.Colum...

Are "out" parameters a bad thing in .NET?

Are "out" parameters a bad thing in .NET? Any good articles/discussions on this topic? ...