
Poll: What are the top 3 blogs for new .net developers?

I've been tasked with a simple request at work: I want to give our new developers a SMART goal to follow a blog for the duration of this review period. Give me three good ones to let them choose from. Three Good Ones?! I follow a ton it seems and whittling my list down to a top three is proving tough. I'm having a hard time pickin...

How to share config settings between mutiple applications

I have a project where there are multiple applications that have some common configuration values. I would like to have a shared .config file that is available to all of the applications using the .Net configuration object model. Each application would also have its own app.config file How can this best be done. I'd rather avoid using t...

How do I create an xmlElement from the current node of a xmlReader?

If I have an xmlreader instance how can I use it to read its current node and end up with a xmlElement instance? ...

.NET Error: The dependency 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel' could not be found

My colleague has written a DLL which drives Excel. When I reference his DLL in my .NET app, I get a warning: The dependency 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel' could not be found. My app will compile. However, when I get to the bit that uses my colleague's DLL to access Excel, an exception is thrown, with the message above. We shoul...

Flag certain properties as CDATA elements for serialization

When serializing/de-serializing certain classes I've come across the need to flag or mark certain properties as CDATA elements (due to their content). I am currently handling this like so: <XmlElement("MessageText")> _ Public Property XmlContentLeft() As XmlCDataSection Get Dim doc As New XmlDataDocument() ...

DateTimePicker Null Value (.NET)

What's the easiest/most robust way of altering the DateTimePicker control to allow the user to enter 'null' values? ...

Is there a test runner for .NET tests that can run multi-threaded to take advantage of multi-core machines?

I'm setting up CI at present using Thoughtworks Studios' Cruise, Gallio to run xunit.net fact/tests, and ncover 2 to do code-coverage. I noticed that running the code-coverage pegs one of the four CPUs that our build-agent server has, and wondered whether there was a multi-threaded test-runner that I might use instead, to take advantage...

(DataGridView + Binding)How to color line depending of the object binded?

I would like to add a backcolor for specific line depending of a Property of the object binded. The solution I have (and it works) is to use the Event DataBindingComplete but I do not think it's the best solution. Here is the event: private void myGrid_DataBindingComplete(object sender, DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs e) ...

Memento implementation on .NET

I've seen two different implementation of memento on .NET. One is pretty straightforward - The object creates another instance of itself. The other is serializing the object using BinaryFormatter and MemoryStream. Which is the preferred method? Can anyone point out advantages/disadvantages of each approach? ...

Microsoft Sync Framework query performance

We're developing a product that relies on the Microsoft Sync Framework to keep the data on a client app and on the server in sync. What we have noticed is when syncing about 16 tables and ~2200 records it will take about 4 minutes, which is not acceptable. Using the SQL Server Profiler we found it is using sp_executesql to execute the ...

.NET ODBC DataProvider never connects via Transoft ODBC driver

I've got a windows service that I've written in .Net. In our current implementation we are interfacing with a Transoft ODBC. I've got logging implemented, and basically when we open the ODBC connection it just never connects. Never errors out or anything. We've been able to connect to the database via Access, so we know the connectiv...

WCF error: The caller was not authenticated by the service

Hi, Trying to access my WCF on a server from my client console application for testing. I am getting the error: The caller was not authenticated by the service I am using wsHttpBinding. I'm not sure what kind of authenicating it is expecting? <be...

How do I parse and convert DateTime’s to the RFC 822 date-time format?

How do I convert a DateTime structure to its equivalent RFC 822 date-time formatted string representation and parse this string representation back to a DateTime structure? The RFC-822 date-time format is used in a number of specifications such as the RSS Syndication Format. ...

.Net or COM Library to read SWF Actionscript

I'm looking for a library to read a SWF file and let me parse through its actionscript and header information. Is there anything out there that will work? ...

Simplest possible key/value pair file parsing in .NET

My project requires a file where I will store key/value pair data that should be able to be read and modified by the user. I want the program to just expect the keys to be there, and I want to parse them from the file as quickly as possible. I could store them in XML, but XML is way to complex, and it would require traversing nodes, and...

Why does a SolidBrush result in a patterned image?

I'm trying to dynamically generate a gif image of a specified size and color in an HttpHandler. For some reason, the image is being generated with a dithered color pattern rather than the solid color I expected the SolidBrush to create. The following code is the simplest I could find that exposes the problem. private void GenerateSqua...

What data access strategy for a large application

I am about to embark on a rewrite of a VB6 application in .NET 3.5sp1. The VB6 app is pretty well written and the data layer is completely based on stored procedures. I'd like to go with something automated like Linq2SQL/Entity Framework/NHibernate/SubSonic. Admittedly, I haven't used any of these tools in anything other than throwawa...

How to get non-current thread's stacktrace?

It is possible to get stacktrace using System.Diagnostics.StackTrace, but thread has to be suspended. Suspend and Resume function are obsolete, so I expect that better way exists. ...

How do I copy an image and text to the clipboard as one object?

I'm trying to copy both an image from a file and text from a file to the clipboard. My intention is to then open a word document or an outlook email and paste both the text and the image in one standard paste command (CTRL-V for example). I can do both separately easily enough, but doing them both in one operation doesn't seem to work. ...

What is Java's answer to WPF?

I'm mostly a .Net person at the moment, but I've been playing with Java some lately-- exploring what's out there. Now I'm looking for the Java equivalent for WPF. I know I could find an OpenGL library or two out there, but that's not really as rich or simple as the WPF system. ...