
Monitor process start in the system

Dear all, Is there a way to monitor processes starting in the system before they start? Example: On programs like ZoneAlarm or Antivirus programs, when you run a program it asks you if you allow running this program or not before it runs... Thanks so much, ...

"Invalid postback or callback argument" with Databound controls

I am getting the following error when an event (Add/Edit/Delete) occurs on my databound control. Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callba...

Is a formal application framework too much?

Our shop designs and create custom software applications for a vareity of vertical industies. We currently use a modified version of the Csla framework for most of our development. It's a great framework, supports a vareity of ways to communicate with a database, directly, remoting, WCF and so on. It offers a ton of features, many o...

Project dependency diagram in Visio

I'm looking for a tool that will generate an assembly/project dependency diagram in Visio (or as close as possible) to assist me with breaking up some of our system into more manageable trunks. The ability to include/exclude non-project dependencies is a must (i.e. include/exclude System. assemblies). ...

What is the difference between CIL and MSIL (IL)?

Are these two terms interchangeable? ...

Reflection - Getting the generic parameters from a System.Type instance

If I have the following code: MyType<int> anInstance = new MyType<int>(); Type type = anInstance.GetType(); How can I find out which type parameter(s) "anInstance" was instantiated with, by looking at the type variable ? Is it possible ? ...

How to iterate hierarchical data and output the hierarchy using C#

given the following class ... public class Category { public string Name {get;set;} public Category ParentCategory {get;set;} } What the most efficient way to output the following from a collection (IList<Category>) of Category objects? + Parent Category ++ Sub Category ++ Sub Category 2 + Parent Category 2 ++ Sub ... ++ Sub .. +...

Timers, UI Frameworks and bad coupling - Any Ideas?

Hi, I've just written a small XBox 360 Wireless Controller managed interface that basically wraps around the low-lever SlimDX wrapper library and provides a easy, managed API for the XBOX 360 controller. Internally, the class polls the gamepad every N ms, and shoots events as it detects changes in the underlying state of the controller....

How to index and find numbers with Lucene.NET?

I've implemented full text search for a web site using Lucene.NET (Version 2.0). Indexing and searching works well, but I have one problem. If I look for numbers (phone numbers, product numbers etc.) as search terms, I don't get any resulting documents. I'm using the Lucene.Net.Analysis.SimpleAnalyzer Class. I guess I have to change Ana...

Where does the system store the icons position?

The "icon view" and "folder view" on any folder is in fact a SysListView. If you uncheck Auto-arrange of the icons you can move around the icons and next time you open the folder all icons are at the same place as last time. My question is, where does the system stores the x and y position of the icons? ...

How do I fix this error: "MyEvent += expected" ?

I have a delegate, say: public delegate void MyDelegate(); I have an event, say: public MyDelegate MyEvent; While invoking the event I am receiving an error message: "MyEvent += expected ....." How do I resolve this? ...

Dragging an image in WPF

I'm trying to create a WPF application where I can drag an image around. Currently I have an image placed in the center of the window, and I'm thinking of using the three mouseevents MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp to calculate the new position when dragging the image. Are there any other good ideas on how to do this? I'm totally new ...

What makes .NET developers/experience so special?

Many are I'm sure familiar with the fact that lack of work experience with C# and .NET can create real career advancement impediments for Windows programmers. .NET was designed with the intention of making software development easier. The runtime's event model makes GUI programming more convenient than using MFC, WTL, or VB. ASP.NET o...

Good Tiff library for .NET

I know libtiff for C, but haven't found a port for .NET update I found FreeImage, which is based on several different libraries and provides a .NET wrapper. ...

Formatting strings in C# consistently throughout a large web application

I'm looking for a consistent way to structure my use of formatting strings throughout a large web application, and I'm looking for recommendations or best practices on which way to go. Up until now I've had a static class that does some common formatting e.g. Formatting.FormatCurrency Formatting.FormatBookingReference I'm not convinc...

separate datatable for each row in db. .NEt

I have long tables generated by datagrid control that go beyond the page width. I would like to convert that into separate table for each row or definition list where each field name is followed by field value. How would I do that. ...

From Java to .Net

These are some questions for any developer whose made the jump from Java to .Net: If you could go back to the start of your switched, what would you do to make the transition easier? Any books you would recommend? How is .Net compared to JEE? Anything that totally bugs you? And the most important, do you regret making the jump? ...

Semantic urls with dots in .net

I'm trying to make semantic urls for search pages, but if someone use a search finished in dot, the .net engine return a 404. The request don't even get to the routing engine, so i think its something related to security or something like that. For example, the stackoverflow routes also don't work in these case: http://stackoverflow...

New {object} vs {object} = new {object}

I was just wondering if there is any difference between the two different new object initializers or is it just syntactic sugar. So is: Dim _StreamReader as New Streamreader(mystream) and different to: Dim _StreamReader as Streamreader = new streamreader(mystream) Is there any difference under the hood? or are they both the sam...

Make an incoming call on my mobile trigger an action on my pc

I have a specific scenario in mind, but I will ask this generally: Is there a way to make my mobile phone trigger an action on my computer? I am thinking that with a smart phone it must be possible to link the phone and the pc with bluetooth, and have some sort of small program running on my computer that will listen for incoming phonec...