
Summary of new features in WCF 2.0?

Is there a good reference, or summary list, of new features in WCF 2.0/VS2010? I'm trying to do a justification proposal for a project, to migrate from Jabber to WCF. ...

What is the most mature BDD Framework for .NET?

We have been using BDD (from Dan North's perspective) as a mechanism to record user acceptance tests and drive development on a couple of projects, with decent success. To date though we have not actually automated the tests themselves. I am now looking in to automating the tests, but I am not sure which behaviour framework to back. So ...

VMR9Allocator (DirectShow .NET + SlimDX)

I was trying to convert and run the VMR9Allocator sample for DirectShow .NET with SlimDX instead of MDX. I got an exception when it reach this line return vmrSurfaceAllocatorNotify.SetD3DDevice(unmanagedDevice, hMonitor) In the AdviseNotify method in Allocator.cs. The exception is "No such interface supported", and the hr return was ...

interview program example

There are several topics about what questions will be raised in an interview for a programming job, but none actually talk about a small problem that some companies want: an example program. My question is based on my last job application, where I've been asked to create a simple program and send it to them. Well, this raises several ...

Declare a generic type instance dynamically

Is it possible to declare an instance of a generic without knowing the type at design-time? Example: Int i = 1; List<typeof(i)> list = new List<typeof(i)>(); where the type of i could be anything, instead of having to do: List<int> list = new List<int(); ...

Virtualization in Super Class Constructor

I was of the opinion that virtualization doesnt work in the super class constructor as per the design of OOP. For example, consider the following C# code. using System; namespace Problem { public class BaseClass { public BaseClass() { Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"); this.PrintRandom...

which are the most informative .net screencasts watched by you?

I have learned so much from http://www.summerofnhibernate.com/ nhibernate screen casts that i wonder why they are given as free!. Did you know about other such .net screen casts? ...

.NET Copy Third Party Libraries to Bin\Release

Hi All, We use Microsoft Smart client, Enterprise Library, Composite Application Block and Infragistics and some more third party libraries. In the project, we added references to the libraries in the Visual Studio 'Add Reference' and selecting from .NET component lists. How to make sure all the DLLs shall be copied to the deployment...

MethodAccessException on CF 2.0 List<T>.Sort

I've got some library code that works on a range of .NET runtimes (regular, CF, Silverlight, etc) - but a small block of code is breaking only on CF 2.0, with a MethodAccessException. I'm pretty sure it is a runtime bug, but does anybody know any good workarounds? It works fine in CF 3.5, but I need to be able to support CF 2.0 too. Spe...

Data access Integration Testing ... how do you do it ?

public class RollBack : OnMethodBoundaryAspect // or another AOP for meth interception { public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionEventArgs eventArgs) { try { ServiceConfig cfg = new ServiceConfig(); cfg.Transaction = TransactionOption.RequiresNew; cfg.TrackingAppName = "Appl...

Is it good or bad to implement IPrincipal & IIdentity as the same time?

Because IPriincipal had IIdentity property is it good to implement both interface on my User class? ...

Adding web reference

While right clicking on the reference in the solution explorer "add webreference is missing" Why it was missing in my machine? ...

WCF DataContract/ServiceOperation involving .NET XmlDocument type

hi all, im just wondering about data contracts to be sent over the wire in WCF communication. i know for the sake of interoperability it is not advisable (maybe not even allowed?) to send native .NET types as part of a data contract. I wish to have a service which accepts, as an input to a ServiceOperation, a .NET XmlDocument type. If ...

Difference between web reference and service reference?

What is the difference between web reference and service reference in WCF? Which is preferable in WCF? ...

Convert a multi page Tiff to jpeg in .Net1.1

Is there a way to convert a multi page Tiff file to a jpeg file in VB.net 1.1. I've tried to convert it with the standard Bitmap.Save() method but it only converts the first page. ...

custom validation to compare the float value of two text box

Hi, I am using a custom validator to compare value in two text box. This is comparing the values fine. But it says "025" and "25" are different.. can this do a float comparision. the custom validator i am using is <asp:CompareValidator id="compval" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtBox1" ErrorMessage="There values are not...

Is there any general purpose breadcrumbs management library/code in .net?

I want to make a msdn style breadcrumbs navigation ...

What's the most efficient way of implementing ReadLine() on a binary stream?

Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong at any point... I am trying to read a CSV (comma separated values) file using .NET file I/O classes. Now the problem is, this CSV file may contain some fields with soft carriage returns (i.e. solitary \r or \n markers rather than the standard \r\n used in text files to end a line) within some...

Which opensource java or .net project has best unit test coverage?

I want to dive more into the unit testing concepts. An open source project which will illustrate the best practices in unit testing is required. ...

Any Good Free .NET Profiler?

Is there any good free .net profiler available? ...