
.NET Winforms: Can the runtime dispose a form's handle out from under me?

The current declaration of SendMessage over at PInvoke.net is: [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = false)] static extern IntPtr SendMessage(HandleRef hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam); Note: The hWnd is no longer an IntPtr, and has been replaced with HandleRef. A very loose explanation fo...

Beginners WCF Question - Consumable asynchronous services

Hi, this is a more "can it be done" rather than a "how is it done" question. I'm looking at building a service (middle tier, .net, providing data abstraction and some business logic) that will be used by multiple internal client systems on different platforms. E.g. one client might be a web site, another client some java code, another ...

When calling a SSIS using LoadFromSqlServer, does the user account have to have special permissions?

Hi, when calling a SSIS package (C# app) using LoadFromSqlServer, does the user account have to have any special permissions on the database or server? I can't seem to view the packages in EM at the moment ... ...

Have to click twice to expand DropDownList in ASP.NET

I have inherited an ASP.NET 2.0 project and one of the things I have noticed is that the user has to click a dropdownlist twice in order to expand it - why is this? Sequence of Events The first click with give the control focus and the second will expand it. The application uses Master/Content pages and is Ajax enabled. It looks lik...

Link to a type not referenced by my project in XML comments?

I've come upon this situation a few times before. I wish to reference a type in my XML comments, but the type is contained in an assembly not referenced by my project. In A.Dll (references B.DLL): using B; ///<summary>Hai I'm SomeClass and I use <seealso cref="B.LoserClass"/> to do my work</summary> public class SomeClass {/*...*/} ...

Getting "The source file is different from when the module was built."

I'm trying to debug an ASP.Net web project that I received. I modified a class in the "Apps_LocalResources" folder. When I debug and the code tries to step into that class, I get "The source file is different from when the module was built.". I rebuilt the solution and didn't get any change. I even published it to a different location an...

Easiest way to get a common base class from a collection of types.

I'm building a custom property grid that displays the properties of items in a collection. What I want to do is show only the properties in the grid that are common amongst each item. I am assuming the best way to do this would be to find the the common base class of each type in the collection and display it's properties. Is there any e...

Verbatim Literals in Managed C++? (like C#'s @"blah")

Is there a way to use verbatim String literals in managed C++? Similar to C#'s String Docs = @"c:\documents and settings\" ...

How to use same database and same program for two different locales in .NET

I have a C# program which uses a SQL Server database.I am already using it in a country that uses . as decimal separator. Now I want to use it in another country that uses , as decimal separator. in C# is there some application level setting that I can change or write some code so that I can use the same database and the same program ?...

How to create a C# Winforms Control that hovers

How can you create a C# Winforms control which goes out of the bounds of its region? Such as a drop down box. Kind of like if you had a DropDownBox in a Small Sized Panel. ...

Oxite: What are you going to do with it?

Microsoft released the source for Oxite, their blogging engine that's intended to help .NET developers learn ASP.NET MVC. They also released the source for the Mix site, which was built with Oxite. Microsoft says that developers can build applications with Oxite, since it has a lot of built-in features like trackbacks, pingbacks, and RS...

csproj.user file in C# sln

my machine did an automatic reboot, due to patch applied by my network in my company, and last error i saw reported something with the csproj.user file. Now each time i try to launch my solution, it opens and then brings the dialog to send the report to MS. If i look at the error log in event viewer it shows this EventType clr20r3, P1 d...

.NET Generic Set ?

Is there a generic container implementing the 'set' behaviour in .NET? I know I could just use a Dictionary<T, Object> (and possibly add nulls as values), because its keys act as a set, but I was curious if there's something ready-made. ...

Understanding .NET's "SecurityAction" parameter for permissions

Can anyone explain the meaning of and purposes of the values for the SecurityAction enum? The MSDN page is not terribly clear. It says LinkDemand occurs at just-in-time compilation whereas Demand occurs at runtime. Why the distinction and in what situations would I use LinkDemand as opposed to Demand? Likewise, what are the use cases ...

How to make a resource (screen) accessible to only one user at a time in a distributed .Net application?

I have a client server based windows forms application that needs an administrator only screen. The administrator functionality needs to be implemented in such a way that at any given time only one administrator can access that screen. The windows forms client application talks to the server using .NET Remoting. And the server side is d...

Default value for generics

How do I create the default for a generic in VB? in C# I can call: T variable = default(T); How do I do this in VB? If this just returns null (C#) or nothing (vb) then what happens to value types? Is there a way to specify for a custom type what the default value is? For instance what if I want the default value to be the equivalent ...

Inconsistent behavior with AJAX and ViewState in .NET

I'm finding that hitting the "Refresh" button on my browser will temporarily screw up the ViewState for controls inside an UpdatePanel. Here's my situation : I made a custom WebControl that stores values in the ViewState. I put this control inside an UpdatePanel. When I hit the "refresh" button on my browser, it will temporarily wipe ...

.NET WinForms ComboBox, identical items, and the SelectedIndexChanged event


Getting .NET Framework version in VB.NET

Anyone know the <%= %> or Response.Write() code for getting the version of .Net my web app is running on? ...

How does .NET security really work?

I just saw this question: Understanding .NET’s “SecurityAction” parameter for permissions And I have a question. With the following code: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Layer1(); MessageBox.Show("OK"); } private void Layer1() { try { Layer2(); } catch (SecurityException) {...