
List AppDomains in Process

Is there any possibility how to enumerate AppDomains within Process? ...

When to use xml with xsl instead of HTML?

I like .NET webcontrols and you manipulate things, that's common consensus, but XML and XSL is so great, because you have UI logic that is platform & language-independent, so one day I change the app to php, java or whatever and i can reuse all the presentation logic. Moreover, XSL has the possibility to call .NET (or whatever) methods ...

Switching from ms-access client interface to executable file

Are there any object similar to ms-access forms in VB, .NET or other microsoft technologies? We have been now using Access for developping client interfaces with some success for the last 2 years. We are using a serie of development tools making the best use of a metamodel (we have tables for forms, local queries, menus, controls, conne...

Can you make an alpha transparent PNG with C#?

I have a multi-browser page that shows vertical text. As an ugly hack to get text to render vertically in all browsers I've created a custom page handler that returns a PNG with the text drawn vertically. Here's my basic code (C#3, but small changes to any other version down to 1): Font f = GetSystemConfiguredFont(); //this sets the t...

What looks wrong in this?

private int DBUpdate() { DAL dal = new DAL(); string upd = "UPDATE [RPform] SET [ProjectName] = '@pname', [ProjectCode] = '@pcode', [Country] = @cnt, "; upd += "[StartDate] = '@startdate', [FinishDate] = '@finishdate', [TotalParticipants] = @totpart, [ArrivalDate] = '@arrivedate', "; upd += "[AirportTransfer] = @airtran, [AirportDat...

Security vulnerabilities of the .NET platform?

I am doing some research on .NET security. The most of sources just describe .NET security mechanisms but no even a word of possible vulnerabilities or things to be kept in mind. Do you know any security problems on .NET platform? ...

When is Winforms the correct choice vs. WPF?

Disclaimer: I'm not generally a Windows Client developer. I presume that WPF is intended to eventually replace WinForms altogether, but for now, they both are shipping. My question is, when is one more appropriate than another? Should we be leaving Winforms to legacy and creating new Windows Clients in WPF only? ...

.NET Generate Sequence Diagrams From Running Code

Is there a tool that can generate sequence diagrams from running .NET code? ...

Best way to parse a string to a float with both "," and "." as fraction separator? (For a number < 5)

This is kind of related to my previous question, but not really. I have an input of which I don't know the culture. So it can both use ',' and '.' as separator for the fraction. The number will never be >5 though, so we can be rather sure if there's a separator, it will be for the fraction. I was looking at the TryParse method. It accep...

Accessing the clr's interned string list

I just answered a question where I said that while string interning is good it can be a security problem since a strings value can be easily accessed later on. And while I'm quite sure this is true :-) I am not sure how easy it really is. I tried googling the topic but I got no relevant results (the google-fu is weak in this one), so t...

Improving performance of multithreaded HttpWebRequests in .NET

I am trying to measure the throughput of a webservice. In order to do that, I have written a small tool that continuously sends requests and reads responses from a number of thread. The contents of the inner loop of each thread looks like this: public void PerformRequest() { WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(_uri); webReq...

Determine Label Size based upon amount of text and font size in Winforms/C#

Hi there, I'd like to know if there's a better approach to this problem. I want to resize a label (vertically) to accomodate certain amount of text. My label has a fixed width (about 60 chars wide before it must wrap), about 495 pixels. The font is also a fixed size (12points afaik), but the text is not. What I want to do is increase ...

How to reduce the memory usage of a WPF app.

I am working on a little bookmark managing app written in C#, using WPF. It just sits in the system tray and is idle 99% of the time. Recently I looked in the task manager and discovered that it uses around 25 megs of memory (and around 12 megs before it is activated for the first time) which I thought was a bit much for an app that does...

How to find an Element in Watin by its tag name?

How to find a specific element, or a list of elements by using their TagName using Watin? ...

Is there a built-in IsLowerCase() in .NET?

Is there a built-in IsLowerCase() in .NET? ...

How does "Custom Event" work in VB.Net?

In C# if I want to create a "Custom Event" you do something like this: private EventHandler _MyEvent; Public Event EventHandler MyEvent { add{ _MyEvent += value; } remove{ _MyEvent -= Value; } } protected void RaiseMyEvent() { if(_MyEvent != nul) _MyEvent(this, EventArgs.Empty); } In VB this is not so straightforward n...

How to find what state ManualResetEvent is in?

I am using an instance of ManualResetEvent to control thread access to a resource but I'm running into problems with it. Does anyone know how I can find out during debugging what the state of the object is? That is to say I would like to know if the ManualResetEvent is currently blocking any threads and maybe even how many and which th...

how do I create my own URL protocol? (e.g. so://...)

Ok, please bear with me as this is sorta difficult to explain. I have seen... http://www... ftp://blah.blah... file://blah.blah... unreal://blah.blah... mailto://blah.blah... What is that first section where you see http and the like called? Can I register my own? ...

Windows Mobile and VS2008, can't connect to device.

I just got myself a new toy, a phone with Windows Mobile 6. I'm trying to write a simple "Hello World" app in VS2008 (C#) and I can't connect to the device. It's connected via ActiveSync (via USB), I can browse the file system, but for some reason when I try to build the app and deploy it to the device, it says "Connect to device failed....

Best way to use a VB.NET class library from a C++ DLL?

Hello, I need to use one of my VB.NET projects in a C++ project. The interface between the two will be for the C++ code to instantiate and call methods on one of the .NET assembly objects. Both compile to DLLs (and then the C++ DLL is loaded from the NTVDM as a VDD, but that's probably not relevant.) If possible I would like to avoid u...