
Is there a way to ensure entire code block execution in a .NET thread?

In my C# program, I have a thread that represents a running test, which can be aborted by a click on a button labeled "Interrupt execution". In order for the thread (and therefore the test) to terminate in an elegant manner (and do some vital work beforehand), this button is enabled only in some well-defined moments, in which I catch Thr...

What is .MSPX?

I've noticed a lot of microsoft sites have the *.MSPX extension. While I'm very familiar with ASP.NET, I've not seen this extension before. Does anyone know what this identifies? ...

Storing Windows passwords.

I'm writing (in C# with .NET 3.5) an administrative application which will poll multiple Windows systems for various bits of data. In many cases it will use WMI, but in some cases it may need to read remote registry or remotely execute some command or script on the polled system. This polling will happen at repeating intervals - usually ...

Would you recommend using "The C5 Generic Collection Library for C# and CLI" based on your experience with it ?

This free collection library comes from IT University of Copenhagen. http://www.itu.dk/research/c5/ There is a video with one of the authors on Channel 9. I am trying to learn how to use these collections and I was wondering whether anyone has more experiences or what are your thoughts on this specific collection library for .NET. Do y...

C# Console?

Does anyone know if there is a c# Console app, similar to the Python or Ruby console? I know the whole "Compiled versus Interpreted" difference, but with C#'s reflection power I think it could be done. UPDATE Well, it only took about 200 lines, but I wrote a simple one...It works a lot like osql. You enter commands and then run them wit...

How can I reformat XAML nicely in VS 2008?

Visual Studio 2008's XAML editor (SP1) cannot reformat the XML into a consistent style. Which tools can I use to get a nicely formatted XAML file? Studio integration preferred. ...

In C#, what is the best way to test if a dataset is empty?

I know you can look at the row.count or tables.count, but are there other ways to tell if a dataset is empty? ...

Justification for Reflection in C#

I have wondered about the appropriateness of reflection in C# code. For example I have written a function which iterates through the properties of a given source object and creates a new instance of a specified type, then copies the values of properties with the same name from one to the other. I created this to copy data from one auto-g...

Is it worth learning to use MSBuild?

I simply wondered whether people thought it was worth learning to use the MSBuild syntax in order to customise the build process for a .net project, or whether it is really not worth it given the ease with which one can build a project using visual studio. I am thinking in terms of nightly builds, etc., but then couldn't I use a schedu...

Is there a .NET Control Similar to the Access 2007 Split Form?

Is there a .NET Control Similar to the Access 2007 Split Form? Or has anyone built such a control? I upgraded a small personal Name and Address DB to Access 2007 and noticed the Form had a property called “Default View” which can be set to “Split Form”. “Split Form” mode has a GridView and a Form together in one control. When a record ...

What are advantages of bytecode over native code?

It seems like anything you can do with bytecode you can do just as easily and much faster in native code. In theory, you could even retain platform and language independence by distributing programs and libraries in bytecode then compiling to native code at installation, rather than JITing it. So in general, when would you want to execu...

Tool for analyzing .Net app memory dumps

Can somebody suggest a good free tool for analyzing .Net memory dumps other than Adplus/windbg/sos ? ...

How to use webclient in a secure site?

I need to automate a process involving a website that is using a login form. I need to capture some data in the pages following the login page. I know how to screen-scrape normal pages, but not those behind a secure site. Can this be done with the .NET WebClient class? How would I automatically login? How would I keep logged in for t...

Windows Powershell book - any good experiences?

Hi betatester-fellows :) ! I'm currently looking for a recommendable book about psh which seems to be very a feature rich new shell. Therefore I'm looking for some kind of pragmatic documentation, aiming a little deeper. I'm using Unix Shells like zsh since ages, but Scripting on MS was never very effective. Until now. I'm interested in...

Unexpected behaviour of Process.MainWindowHandle

I've been trying to understand Process.MainWindowHandle. According to MSDN; "The main window is the window that is created when the process is started. After initialization, other windows may be opened, including the Modal and TopLevel windows, but the first window associated with the process remains the main window." (Emphasis added) ...

Fundamental Data Structures in C#

I would like to know how people implement the following data structures in C# without using the base class library implementations:- Linked List Hash Table Binary Search Tree Red-Black Tree B-Tree Binomial Heap Fibonacci Heap and any other fundamental data structures people can think of! I am curious as I want to improve my understa...

Can't Re-bind a socket to an existing IP/Port Combination

Greetings, I'm trying to find a way to 'unbind' a socket from a particular IP/Port combination. My pseudocode looks like this: ClassA a = new ClassA(); //(class A instantiates socket and binds it to //do something //...much later, a has been garbage-collected away. ClassA aa = new ClassA(); //crash here. At this p...

.Net 3.5 silent installer?

Is there a redistributable .Net 3.5 installation package that is a silent installer? Or alternatively, is there a switch that can be passed to the main redistributable .Net 3.5 installer to make it silent? ...

Pros & cons between LINQ and traditional collection based approaches

Being relatively new to the .net game, I was wondering, has anyone had any experience of the pros / cons between the use of LINQ and what could be considered more traditional methods working with lists / collections? For a specific example of a project I'm working on : a list of unique id / name pairs are being retrieved from a remote...

How can you databind a single object in .NET ?

I would like to use a component that exposes the datasource property, but instead of supplying the datasource with whole list of objects, I would like to use only simple object. Is there any way to do this ? The mentioned component is DevExpress.XtraDataLayout.DataLayoutControl - this is fairly irrelevant to the question though. ...