
C#: Create a virtual drive in Computer

Is there any way to create a virtual drive in "(My) Computer" and manipulate it, somewhat like JungleDisk does it? It probably does something like: override OnRead(object sender, Event e) { ShowFilesFromAmazon(); } Are there any API:s for this? Maybe to write to an XML-file or a database, instead of a real drive. ...

Crystal Reports 2008 InprocServer + TempDir = "Operation not yet implemented"

I have a .NET web app that uses CR 2008 for reports. The server it's deployed on is saddled with McAfee, and we want to tell CR to use a temp directory other than the Windows temp dir. Google found me the following registry key: SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\Report Application Server\InprocServer\TempDir. Adding this key does ...

Race Condition Analysers for .NET

I've seen there are some race condition analysis tools for C++, C and Java. Anyone know of any static analysis tools that do the same for .NET? ...

Which is the best database schema for my navigation?

I'm creating a web site where all pages hang off a database-driven tree-hierarchy. All but one node has a parent node. Nodes may have role-based read permissions. Some nodes may have special rules (such as: don't display within navigation menus). Nodes may represent links to other nodes (like a shortcut in Windows). Nodes typically ...

Best way to reduce sequences in an array of strings

Please, now that I've re-written the question, and before it suffers from further fast-gun answers or premature closure by eager editors let me point out that this is not a duplicate of this question. I know how to remove duplicates from an array. This question is about removing sequences from an array, not duplicates in the strict sen...

How to solve call ambiguity between Generic.IList<T>.this[] and IList.this[]?

I've got a collection that implements an interface that extends both IList<T> and List. public Interface IMySpecialCollection : IList<MyObject>, IList { ... } That means I have two versions of the indexer. I wish the generic implementation to be used, so I implement that one normally: public MyObject this[int index] { .... } I ...

Is there any disadvantage to returning this instead of void?

Say instead of returning void a method you returned a reference to the class even if it didn't make any particular semantic sense. It seems to me like it would give you more options on how the methods are called, allowing you to use it in a fluent-interface-like style and I can't really think of any disadvantages since you don't have to...

Oracle from .Net with a 64 bit client

Has anyone had any luck of using Oracle from .Net on a 64 bit machine, and using the UDT capabilities of Oracle? I've been able to use an x64 ODP.Net client, but cannot find one with any support for UDTs. Thanks Nick [Edit] I've posted an answer below. The latest (as of December 2008) release is This has support for 64 bit ...

ToolStrips in TabPages frequently disappear from Windows Forms designer

I have a Windows Form app with a TabControl. One of the TabPages in the TabControl contains a ToolStrip. Frequently, the Windows Form designer will spontaneously set the Visible property of the Toolstrip to False. To get the toolstrip to reappear in my form, I have to manually find the control and set the property back to True. It's real...

What .NET Framework version should I ship with; 2, 3, 3.5?

My application uses 2.0. At some point in the future I may want to start using newer features added in later framework versions. Should I wait until then? Or are there advantages to updating to the latest .NET 3.5 now? I suppose by the time I am ready for next spring's release 4.0 will be out. Perhaps I should stick with 2.0 for my ...

How to keep ReadDirectoryChangesW from missing file changes

There are many posts on the internet about the ReadDirectoryChangesW API function missing files when there is a lot of file activity. Most blame the speed at which the ReadDirectoryChangesW function loop is called. This is an incorrect assumption. The best explanation I have seen is in the following post, the comment on Monday, April ...

How to connect to PostgreSQL from .NET using TLS with both client and server authentication?

I want to connect a C# .NET application to a PostgreSQL database, using TLS with client and server authentication: in other words, if the certificate from the client can not be verified against the certificate of the server, the client should get access denied, and if the client can not verify the certificate of the server, the client sh...

SMTP Mail Timeout Issue

When I'm creating a user for my web application, an SMTP email (using ASP.NET's SmtpClient) is sent to the user with the automatically generated password. However, sometimes what I notice is that it times out and the new user simply won't receive the email with the password. Alright, so I'll display a message indicating that the mail di...

How do I get the current user's Local Settings folder path in C#?

I want to point a file dialog at a particular folder in the current user's Local Settings folder on Windows. What is the shortcut to get this path? ...

Obout controls in C# .Net

Is anyone using the Obout controls in C# .Net? How would you rate these controls, especially the Grid Control? ...

In C#, how can I rethrow InnerException without losing stack trace?

I am calling, through reflection, a method which may cause an exception. How can I pass the exception to my caller without the wrapper reflection puts around it? I am rethrowing the InnerException, but this destroys the stack trace. Example code: public void test1() { // Throw an exception for testing purposes th...

Where should interfaces "physically live"?

I like the idea of having Interfaces and Implementation separate. But how separate? Are the Interface definitions in a separate .Net assembly? Do you have a single project that defines all Interfaces for a solution? Otherwise are there issues with circular dependencies of Interfaces? ...

Upgrading from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0, what to expect?

I'm working on a big .NET 1.1 project, and there exists a wish to upgrade this, majorily to be able to use better tools like Visual Studio 2008, but also because of the new features and smaller amount of bugs in the .NET 2.0 framework. The project consist for the bigger part of VB.NET, but there are also parts in C#. It is a Windows For...

What are some gotchas when retargeting .net 2.0 to 3.5?

I am currently working on a project that is moving from .NET 2.0 to 3.5 across the board. I am well aware that 3.5 is basically a set of added functionality (libraries, if you will) on top of what 2.0 offers. Are there any gotchas that I might hit by simply re-targeting the compiler to 3.5? ...

Users of Gallio, what Advantages and Disadvantages have you experienced using this Tool?

For those of you familiar with Gallio, what Advantages and Disadvantages have you experienced using this tool, a so-called Test Automation Platform? ...