
What is the best .Net library to handle feeds (Atom+RSS)

We use RSS.Net (old and not maintained, but there's a more recent fork) to parse RSS feeds. We wrote a similar library to parse Atom feeds and managed to extract a common interface from both, this way we don't really care what sort of feed it is. Is there something like that already "out there"? ...

TestDriven.Net doesn't find tests

I have a test project using MbUnit and TestDriven.Net. If I right-click on an individual test method and say "Run Tests" the test runs successfully. Same thing if I click on a file name in the solution explorer. However, if I right click and say run tests on the project or the solution, TestDriven.Net reports "0 Passed, 0 Failed, ...

Headless HTML rendering, preferrably open source

I'm currently looking to perform some headless HTML rendering to essentially create resources off screen and persist the result as an image. The purpose is to take a subset of the HTML language and apply it to small screen devices (like PocketPCs) because our users know HTML and the transition from Photoshop to HTML markup would be acce...

How do you extract macros programmatically from OpenOffice.org Writer document using .NET?

How do you extract the Macro code from an OpenOffice.org Writer document using the .NET API? I got an answer to the "Office 2007" version of this question, but we are evaluating OpenOffice as an alternative -- if anyone has any experience with this, any tips or resources would be appreciated. ...

How many DataTable objects should I use in my C# app?

Hi all, I'm an experienced programmer in a legacy (yet object oriented) development tool and making the switch to C#/.Net. I'm writing a small single user app using SQL server CE 3.5. I've read the conceptual DataSet and related doc and my code works. Now I want to make sure that I'm doing it "right", get some feedback from experienced...

Making WCF easier to configure

I have a set of WCF web services connected to dynamically by a desktop application. My problem is the really detailed config settings that WCF requires to work. Getting SSL to work involves custom settings. Getting MTOM or anything else to work requires more. You want compression? Here we go again... WCF is really powerful - you can us...

Does anyone have a good example of controlling multiple Excel instances from a .Net app?

We have an Excel 2002/XP based application that interacts with SQL 2000/5 to process fairly complex actuarial calculations. The application performs its function well, but it's difficult to manage. We're trying to create a "controller" application or service that can manage and monitor these various instances of Excel (start/stop/proces...

How to prevent flickering in ListView when updating a single ListViewItem's text?

All I want is to update an ListViewItem's text whithout seeing any flickering. This is my code for updating (called several times): listView.BeginUpdate(); listViewItem.SubItems[0].Text = state.ToString(); // update the state listViewItem.SubItems[1].Text = progress.ToString(); // update the progress listView.EndUpdate(); I've see...

Castle Windsor: How to specify a constructor paramter from code?

Say I have the following class MyComponent : IMyComponent { public MyComponent(int start_at) {...} } I can register an instance of it with castle windsor via xml as follows <component id="sample" service="NS.IMyComponent, WindsorSample" type="NS.MyComponent, WindsorSample"> <parameters> <start_at>1</start_at > </para...

passing or reading .net cookie in php page

Hi I am trying to find a way to read the cookie that i generated in .net web application to read that on the php page because i want the users to login once but they should be able to view .net and php pages ,until the cookie expires user should not need to login in again , but both .net and php web applications are on different servers ...

C#: Import/Export Settings into/from a File

What's the best way to import/export app internal settings into a file from within an app? I have the Settings.settings file, winform UI tied to the settings file, and I want to import/export settings, similar to Visual Studio Import/Export Settings feature. ...

What's the best method to enable or disable a feature in a .net desktop application

It can be either at compile time or at run-time using a config file. Is there a more elegant way than simple (and many) if statements? I am targeting especially sets of UI controls that comes for a particular feature. ...

How do you guarentee the ASPNET user gets assigned the correct default directory rights.?

I seem to make this mistake everytime I set up a new development box. Is there a way to make sure you don't have to manually assign rights for the ASPNET user? I usually install .Net then IIS, then Visual Studio but it seems I still have to manually assign rights to the ASPNET user to get everything running correctly. Is my install order...

How to get all file attributes including author, title, mp3 tags, etc, in one sweep

I would like to write all meta data (including advanced summary properties) for my files in a windows folder to a csv file. Is there a way to collect all the attributes? I see mp3 files have a different set of attributes compared to jpg files. (c#) This can also be a script (vb, perl) Update: by looking at libextractor (thank you) I ...

macro support in F#

After reading Practical Common Lisp I finally understood what the big deal about macros was, and I have been looking for a language for the .NET platform that supports this. There are a few lisp dialects for .NET but from what I have been able to gather all are either very beta or abandoned. Recently my interest has been sparked by Cloju...

does elmah handle caught exceptions as well

I was wondering if something like elmah logged exceptions even when they do not bubble up to the application? I'd like to pop up a message when an exception occurs and still log the exception. Currently I've been putting everything in try catch blocks and spitting out messages, but this gets tedious. ...

Is there an elegant way to compare a checkbox and a textbox using ASP.NET validators?

I have an Asp.Net repeater, which contains a textbox and a checkbox. I need to add client-side validation that verifies that when the checkbox is checked, the textbox can only accept a value of zero or blank. I would like to use one or more of Asp.Net's validator controls to accomplish this, to provide a consistent display for client s...

Throwing exceptions in ASP.NET C#

Is there a difference between just saying throw; and throw ex; assuming ex is the exception you're catching? ...

What's the best way to serialize a HashTable for SOAP/XML?

What's the best way to serialize a HashTable (or a data best navigated through a string indexer) with SOAP/XML? Let's say I have an Foo that has an property Bar[] Bars. A Bar object has a key and a value. By default, this serializes to the following XML: <Foo> <Bars> <Bar key="key0" value="value0"/> ... </Bars> </Foo...

Loading DLLs into a separate AppDomain.

I want to load one or more DLLs dynamically so that they run with a different security or basepath than my main application. How do I load these DLLs into a separate AppDomain and instantiate objects from them? ...