
Are the values of pi and e available in the .Net framework?

Without calculating them, I mean? ...

Good book for learning Sharepoint development

What would you recommend? I know C# and ASP.NET well, but I haven't touched Sharepoint before. ...

Does WPF have equivalent controls for all Winforms controls?

Just found this out the hard way. I wanted to pop up a FontDialog to allow the user to choose a font.. one of those familiar dialogs.. ...

Fax barcode recognition software to integrate in a c# application

My application is preparing a cover-sheet for submitting documents by fax. I identify the batch by printing a Code39 on it. The incoming faxes are received as tif files and my small c# service is polling for new faxes and calling a decoding function. Currently I use a Win32 dll to recognize the barcode (QSbar39) and I am facing some ...

How to update components in different threads? .NET CF

Hi, I´m programming a .NET Compact Framework application which shows maps on a PDA. I´ve created an ad hoc component that paints it´s own piece of the whole map, using several of this components the big picture is composed. I did it this way to avoid the latency of painting the whole map in a single step. What I would like to do know i...

WSE Server under Windows 2000

Hello, I have a problem with WSE on Windows 2000 Machines. The method SoapReceivers.Add crashed under Windows 2000. It seemes that the windows 2000 os did not allow to start a listening service on excluse addresses. So I find a out that I can set this in the config file to "false" But the problem is still be available. Anybody with a...

Expose VSTO functionality to VBA w/o local admin

What would be the best way to expose certain functionality in a Dotnet VSTO Excel add-in to VBA, without requiring the user to be a local administrator (i.e. no COM registration, no HttpListener)? Would it be possible to use Microsoft Message Queues from VBA? ...

Implementing Google maps in mobile

How to show google maps in mobile application using .net2.0 ...

Cyclic Dependencies

Consider a normal customer-orders application based on MVC pattern using WinForms. The view part has grown too much (over 4000 files) and it needs to be split into smaller ones. For this example we are going to use 3 projects for the view part: Main - has dependencies to the other 2 projects. Instantiates the forms with the lists. C...

What is the recomended way to skin an entire application in WPF?

I want my WPF application to be skinnable, by applying a certain XAML template, and the changes to be application wide, even for dynamic controls or controls that aren't even in the visual/logical tree. What can I use to accomplish this type of functionality? Are there any good resources or tutorials that show how this specific task ca...

Can I add custom version strings to a .net DLL?

I can add custom version strings to a C++ DLL in Visual Studio by editing the .rc file by hand. For example, if I add to the VersionInfo section of the .rc file VALUE "BuildDate", "2008/09/19 15:42:52" Then that date is visible in the file explorer, in the DLL's properties, under the Version tab. Can I do the same for a C# DLL? Not...

ASP Nested Tags in a Custom User Control

I'm just getting started with Custom User Controls in c# and I'm wondering if there is any examples out there of how to write one which accepts nested tags. For example, when you create an "asp:repeater" you can add a nested tag for "itemtemplate". Any help appeciated! Cheers ...

Is it possible to bind complex type properties to a datagrid?

How would I go about binding the following object, Car, to a gridview? public class Car { long Id {get; set;} Manufacturer Maker {get; set;} } public class Manufacturer { long Id {get; set;} String Name {get; set;} } The primitive types get bound easy but I have found no way of displaying anything for Maker. I would like...

Point ADO.Net DataSet to different databases at runtime?

I have a large ADO.Net dataset and two database schemas (Oracle) with different constraints. The dataset will work with either schema, but I want to be able to tell the dataset which schema to use (via connection string) at runtime. Is that even possible? ...

Reading XML with an "&" into C# XMLDocument Object

I have inherited a poorly written web application that seems to have errors when it tries to read in an xml document stored in the database that has an "&" in it. For example there will be a tag with the contents: "Prepaid & Charge". Is there some secret simple thing to do to have it not get an error parsing that character, or am I mis...

Regular expression to remove XML tags and their content

I have the following string and I would like to remove <bpt *>*</bpt> and <ept *>*</ept> (notice the additional tag content inside them that also needs to be removed) without using a XML parser (overhead too large for tiny strings). The big <bpt i="1" x="1" type="bold"><b></bpt>black<ept i="1"></b></ept> <bpt i="2" x="2" type="ulined">...

Starting a process in C# with username & password throws "Access is Denied" exception

Inside a .NET 3.5 web app running impersonation I am trying to execute a process via: var process = new Process { StartInfo = { CreateNoWindow = true, FileName = "someFileName", Domain = "someDomain", Username = "someUserName", ...

What Exception should be thrown when an ADO.NET query cannot retrieve the requested data?

In an attempt to add some parameter validation and correct usage semantics to our application, we are trying to add correct exception handling to our .NET applications. My question is this: When throwing exceptions in ADO.NET if a particular query returns no data or the data could not be found, what type of exception should I use? Psue...

How can I redirect and modify extension-less URLs via ASP.NET?

We have redesigned the structure to a website which has several business units. Now I want to redirect (301) to the new page. IE: was www.example.com/abc now www.example.com/default.aspx?article=abc I have tried to use Global.asax to do this, and it works properly when I debug through it. if (Request.RawUrl.Contains("abc"))...

C# .NET 3.5 GUI design

Hello, I'm looking for some programming guides to C# GUI design. I come from the Java camp (where I can happily hand-code Swing/AWT GUIs) and thus don't have a clue where to start :( Also, what difference (if any) is there between the Windows Presentation Foundation and WinForms? ...