
2to3 not working

I'm converting a single module using 2to3. test_lib2to3.py is in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.1/lib/python3.1/test/test_lib2to3.py File to be converted is in /Users/Nimbuz/Documents/python31/Excercise 1/time3.py Terminal Session: localhost:test Nimbuz$ 2to3 /Users/Nimbuz/Documents/python31/Excercise\ 1/time3.py Ref...

Problem with literal arguments in the PATTERN string for a python 2to3 fixer

Hi folks. I'm writing a fixer for the 2to3 tool in python. In my pattern string, I have a section where I'd like to match an empty string as an argument, or an empty unicode string. The relevant chunk of my pattern looks like: (args='""' | args='u""') My issue is the second option never matches. Even if it's alone, it won't match. Ho...