
What's the best way to abort a thread in my scenerio

I'm sorry if some other people have asked a similar question before. I have a simple GUI app which upload some files to a server. I put the upload work to a seperate thread. When users want to exit the application, a event will be set to notify the thread to exit normally. Then the UI thread will wait for it. The code I used to abort th...

abort() is not __declspec(noreturn) in VS2010

In my copy of VS2010, stdlib.h contains (lines 353-355) _CRTIMP __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl exit(_In_ int _Code); _CRTIMP __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl _exit(_In_ int _Code); _CRTIMP void __cdecl abort(void); I find it strange that there's no noreturn annotation on abort(). Does anyone know a reason for this? Is it a bug? ...

Is there a way to write a command so that it aborts a running function call?

I have a widget that measures elapsed time, then after a certain duration it does a command. However, if the widget is left I want I want it to abort this function call and not do the command. How do I go about this? ...

Abort a program after a certain time

I'm trying to develop a test case for a program, and would like to fail the test case if it runs over 4 seconds. How can this be done on linux? (I'm using Ubuntu) I know I can time the execution and fail it time > 4, but that's just a bad approach. Thanks! ...

When abort() is preferred over exit()?

I know the differences between the two. One notable thing is that abort() sends SIGABRT signal, so it may be relevant when your software relies on them. But for a typical application exit() seems to be more safe version of abort()...? Are there any other concerns to use abort() instead of exit()? ...

c++ abort override

Some C++ libraries call abort() function in the case of error (for example, SDL). No helpful debug information is provided in this case. It is not possible to catch abort call and to write some diagnostics log output. I would like to override this behaviour globally without rewriting/rebuilding these libraries. I would like to throw exce...

Is C#'s using statement abort-safe?

I've just finished reading "C# 4.0 in a Nutshell" (O'Reilly) and I think it's a great book for a programmer willing to switch to C#, but it left me wondering. My problem is the definition of using statement. According to the book (p. 138), using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText("file.txt")) { ... } is precisely equivalent to: ...

Aborting non working thread

I have I multi thread application written by c#, my max thread number is 256 and this application gets the performance counters of the computers in an Ip interval( - it works fine and turns many times in a day. because I have to get reports. But the problem is some times one machine keeps a thread and never f...

Abort linux polling

I am porting an audio mixer from directsound on Windows to alsa on Linux. I am polling on, let's say, 16 file descriptors using the system call "poll". Now i need to be able to abort the polling somehow. On Windows i am using the WaitForMultipleObjects using events and when i need to abort the waiting i just SetEvent on one of the events...