
How to synchronize the access to a List<T> used in ASP.NET

Hi, I have some problems on a site with the concurrent access to a list. This list keeps a cart of items, and multiple deletes are crashing the site. Which is the best method to sync them? Is a lock enough? The lock option seems to be ugly because the code is spread all over the place and is pretty messy. Update: This is a list impleme...

what is the best way to synchronize container access between multiple threads in real-time application

Hi, I have std::list<Info> infoList in my application that is shared between two threads. These 2 threads are accessing this list as follows: Thread 1: uses push_back(), pop_front() or clear() on the list (Depending on the situation) Thread 2: uses an iterator to iterate through the items in the list and do some actions. Thread 2 is i...

MySQL synchronization questions

I have a MySQL DB which manages users’ accounts data. Each user can only query he’s own data. I have a script that on initial login gets the user data and inserts it to the DB. I scheduled a cron process which updates all users’ data every 4 hours. Here are my questions regarding it: (1) - Do I need to implement some kind of lock mecha...