We're currently using Delphi 5 and Delphi 2005 for development, and investigate of going the .NET route via Delphi Prism.
Is there a .NET equivalent to Delphi's ActionList?
For those not familiar with ActionList, it's a component that contains a collection of actions that we create, e.g. Save, Refresh, Load, etc. Each action can have ...
So we had a power outage at work the other day and ever since then ReSharper and Visual Studio just aren't playing nicely. The issue occurs when I try to click on one of the light bulb action lists, they just disappear. I also noticed that when I compile and there is an error, the error list acts like it's trying to open but doesn't. ...
I'm using Delphi 2009. My program has been compiling and running fine. I use Action lists and have them built into my program - although I haven't changed them in a while.
So today I go to simply add a new action to my ActionList in the normal manner that it is done. Without doing anything else, I now build and run my program and I get ...
I use this code with TCheckListbox (lbServices) and it works fine. But with TcxCheckListBox from Devexpress it raise exception.
procedure TMaintenanceForm.AfterConstruction;
i: Integer;
ActionObj: TAction;
for i := 0 to ServiceActionList.ActionCount-1 do
ActionObj := ServiceActionList.Actions[i] ...