
Ad hoc queries vs stored procedures vs Dynamic SQL

Ad hoc queries vs stored procedures vs Dynamic SQL. Can anyone say pros and cons? Best regards, Kristaps ...

web form to generate ad-hoc sql statements

Hello, I have a task to build C# web form to allow end user to generate sql queries. Very similar to this one: EasyQuery.NET WebForms However I'm not allowed to use any 3rd party DLL's or spend big $ on full source versions. My boss would rather force me to work overtime and re-invent the wheel. Any tips on this? Thanks! ...

SubSonic How to Execute a SQL Statement?

Hello, My site is using Subsonic 2.2 on my site. I have 1 weird situation where I need to run some ad-hoc SQL statements. public IList<string> GetDistincList(string TableName, string FieldName) { string sqlToRun = string.Format("SELECT DISTINCT {0} FROM {1} ORDER BY {0}", FieldName, TableName); Query query = new Query(TableNam...