Column does not exist in table error

Hi, I perform a set of operations on a dataset table: MyDataSet sharedDS = new MyDataSet(); MyDataSet referenceDS = new MyDataSet(); sharedDS.Table1.Reset(); sharedDS.Merge(referenceDS); I get a System.ArgumentException: Column_X does not exist in Table1 if I try to access the column this way: MyDataSet.Table1.FindByKey().Column_X...

SQL and Too many arguments specified with output param

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.uspGetOrderTrackingHeaderInfo @ContractID varchar(9) , @SalesRepID int , @StatusID int , @TypeID int , @StartDate datetime , @EndDate datetime , @Identity int = null output AS INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblOrderTracking] ([ContractID] ,[StatusID] ,[TypeID] ,[SalesRepID] ...

How to Insert Data?

How i can insert data into more than one table of an Access database which have a join of inner by using C#? ...

Is an ADO.NET 2.0 Transaction on SQL Server 2005 automatically rolled back on exception?

If we begin a transaction, then do some db action, say insert, and an exception occurs, is the transaction automatically rolled back if I don't call transaction.rollback() in the catch/exception handler? Even if the transaction is rolled back, does that result in a memory leak, i.e. the transaction object and the connection object hang ...

Cannot execute stored procedure with ADO.NET Entity Framework

I've created a simple parameterless stored procedure which I've pasted below. I've imported the stored procedure to my Entity Model and created a Function Import. The function in the model is never created and I am unable to execute this stored procedure using the ADO.NET Entity Framework. I've opened the .edmx file in XML view and have ...

How do you retrieve records and all child records in one database hit in ADO.NET Entities?

Hi there, I would like to make one database call to retrieve the following data, but I'm struggling to figure out what the LINQ should look like. Here's my current implementation (I know it's bad!!): var photos = from photo in entitiesContext.Photo join pg in entitiesContext.PhotoGallery on photo.PhotoGallery.PhotoGalleryI...

F# and ADO.NET to Connect To Access 2007

I am very new to F#, and I was trying to find the simplest way to connect to Access 2007 using System.Data.OleDb. I have done this with C#, but I cannot figure out how to convert the syntax to F#. The following is what I know so far: #light open System.Windows.Forms open System.Data.OleDb open System.Data let ADOCon = new OleDbConnec...

Delete from multiple tables ASP.NET

How to delete from two tables at once using the same delete statement in ASP.Net? ...

EntityFramework ObjectQuery<T>.Include With Filter ability

Hi, I'm using ObjectQuery.CreateQuery() to create eSQL query. I want to use the ObjcetQuery.Include to load related data, like Customer => Orders so let the EF to load all the orders for customer at the same time. The issue is that i don't want all the related objects and i want to fetch the result with condition. Any idea? ...

using a transaction to avoid a race

I'm writing a daemon to monitor creation of new objects, which adds rows to a database table when it detects new things. We'll call the objects widgets. The code flow is approximately this: 1: every so often: 2: find newest N widgets (from external source) 3: foreach widget 4: if( widget not yet in database ) 5: add rows f...

Reflecting changes to DataTable in bound Label

Hi, I have a column of a DataTable bound to a Label (via a BindingSource). If I make a change to the current row thus row["Column Name"] = "New Value"; the change is not reflected in the bound label unless I also do bindingSource.ResetCurrentItem(); However, if I wrap the change to the column in a Begin/EndEdit as follows row.Be...

SQL Server - SQL Cursor vs ADO.NET

I have to compute a value involving data from several tables. I was wondering if using a stored procedure with cursors would offer a performance advantage compared to reading the data into a dataset (using simple select stored procedures) and then looping through the records? The dataset is not large, it consists in 6 tables, each with a...

ADO.NET OracleCommandBuilder performance issue

I'm currently investigating some performance issues in a .NET/Oracle application. I've run an oracle trace file and I have noticed that the following query is being called a lot and is using a lot of resources: select ac.constraint_name key_name, acc.column_name key_col,1 from all_cons_columns acc, all_constraints ac where acc.owner ...

DataSet's Table name from a Stored Procedure

I am using a stored procedure to fill a DataSet. What I need to do is force the name of the DataTable that is created when filled. There are multiple tables returned from the Stored Procedure. The last table is the one I need to make sure has a specific name when returned. It is created by returning a value of a variable and not pull...

ORM framework/architecture which supports converting class definitions to dataset definitions in .NET

As part of a system which I am developing I need a method of taking a set of class definitions which define an object model and constructing a dataset from them which can then be populated by instantiating instances of the classes (either singletons or through collections for multiple table rows). The kind of approach I had in mind woul...

How to TOP, ORDER BY and DISTINCT in the same query with Linq-To-Sql?

How to translate the following query to Linq? SELECT DISTINCT TOP 10 A.*,A.X+A.Y AS SUMXY FROM TABLE_A AS A INNER JOIN TABLE_B AS B ON A.ID = B.AID ORDER BY SUMXY I don't want to split in two queries. ...

SQL Express 2005/2008 Concurrent Connections

How many concurrent connections do the express editions allow? My front end uses standard ADO.Net code where I open the connection to the server, get my data, and then close the connection. Am I right in saying that as soon as the connection is closed, it then allows this connection to be opened by another user? ...

excel to xml conversion using ado

strong text can any one help me in converting excel data into xml file using ...

Windows App and SQL Server

What's the best practice for a windows app connecting to a SQL Server that is hosted in the internet? I'm currently using an IP based connection string with SQL authentication, nothing special. However, some clients cannot connect using port 1433 and I'm assuming that the whole approach has some security concerns. ...

Running data service sample project

I looked at this link text Running the sample code I keep getting this error P3 : 49fee1af P4 : P5 : Any ideas ...